What did you have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

King of Pop

Platinum Lord
Mar 27, 2009
Chicago, Illinois
Wii Online Code
Breakfast: Honey Nut Cheerios
Lunch: a burger at the Egg n I
Dinner: Spaghetti
Snacks: An oreo Mcflurry
Drinks: Sprite and water.

you guys?
I wonder what's for dinner?

Yes, I'm making that retarded referrence.

Breakfast: NOTHING!

Lunch: Ham sandwhiches on cinnamon bread... feakin' good.

Dinner: Nothing yet.

Snacks: A snickers. ... Yeah, that's it.

Drinks: Water... and plenty of it.

I don't eat enough, lol.
Let's say "Hooray" for stalker threads! :D

Breakfast: Something my friend's dad calls "Daddy's Special" (creepy, eh?). It tasted like mexican food. I don't know what was in it, though.

Lunch: Uhh... popcorn?

Dinner: We shall see.

Desert: This doesn't exist in my house.

Snacks: Cake.

Drinks: Soda and Water.
Fuck Twitter, I've gots me some Wiichat.

Dinner: Wendy's. Won't have take out for a while, so what the hell.
Breakfast: Food and a brew

Dinner: Food and a drink

Tea: Food and a drink
Breakfast: Toast and peanut butter and a cup of tea.
Dinner: Potato and leek soup
Tea: Not had it yet but I think I'm having spaghetti bolognese.
[DS]Leader;1039303 said:
Breakfast: Honey Nut Cheerios
Lunch: a burger at the Egg n I
Dinner: Spaghetti
Snacks: An oreo Mcflurry
Drinks: Sprite and water.

you guys?

dude the egg and i is amazing. i went out to arizona last year and they were the best restaurant i have ever eaten at. I still remember this oatmeal thing they had. it was like oatmeal with bananas and nuts and blueberrys in it
and it had this maple crust thing on the top... yum.

but all i've eaten today is poptarts and two clementines.
then again i woke up at 1 and its only 2:30

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