kikae Ancient Brawler Jan 29, 2009 413 0 Maryland Wii Online Code 5805-3018-2025-1718 Dec 26, 2009 #1 ive been wondering if ssbb will get lower user each time a year passes....
prinplup a webmaster Feb 24, 2009 1,108 0 Nothern California Wii Online Code 2311-1123-4321-0974 Dec 26, 2009 #2 yup thats bound to happen to any game after a year & a half
OP kikae Ancient Brawler Jan 29, 2009 413 0 Maryland Wii Online Code 5805-3018-2025-1718 Dec 26, 2009 Thread Starter Thread starter #3 sad right ?
DG~X Dont read this. Jul 13, 2009 1,317 0 The Earth. Wii Online Code 1923-6615-4080-7852 Dec 26, 2009 #4 Well, not really. The game had its time, and when a game gets old its usually because theres a 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,etc. part for it. Theres a completely differnt game that look real good and it is. just got sick a tired of starting to.
Well, not really. The game had its time, and when a game gets old its usually because theres a 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,etc. part for it. Theres a completely differnt game that look real good and it is. just got sick a tired of starting to.
OP kikae Ancient Brawler Jan 29, 2009 413 0 Maryland Wii Online Code 5805-3018-2025-1718 Dec 27, 2009 Thread Starter Thread starter #5 hmm yeah maybe ur right