What format do Wii games on?

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So that means we can get games lige GTA and watch DVDs on the Wii?
Yes, although now it seems Nintendo may drop DVD playback. Yes games will be on DVD, but DVD movies may not be playable. Some have said there will be an adapter you'll buy to get playback, but it would be sold seperatly.

I'm guessing if Nintendo doesn't include the feature, someone will hack the Wii's operating system or create a new operating system that will play movies.

It'd be a pity if they left DVD playback out.
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the main problem with GC was that its discs only held 1.5gb so games werent as long or were compressed too much. I dont think a GTA game on the wii will work coz of the remots... although Ninty good make a normal joypad too, best of both worlds then
elrasho said:
the main problem with GC was that its discs only held 1.5gb so games werent as long or were compressed too much. I dont think a GTA game on the wii will work coz of the remots... although Ninty good make a normal joypad too, best of both worlds then
They sort of already created a "normal joypad." It's called the Classic controller and oddly enough, it has almost the exact layot that the PS2 controller does. While it's supposed to be used for Virtual Console games, it could very easily be used on other games.

Here's a pic of it:


I think using the wiimote/nunchuk in GTA would be great because of all the mini-games; lift and lower the wiimote to lift weights, punch with the wiimote and nunchuk to box in the game, etc.
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NateTheGreat said:
They sort of already created a "normal joypad." It's called the Classic controller and oddly enough, it has almost the exact layot that the PS2 controller does. While it's supposed to be used for Virtual Console games, it could very easily be used on other games.

Here's a pic of it:


I think using the wiimote/nunchuk in GTA would be great because of all the mini-games; lift and lower the wiimote to lift weights, punch with the wiimote and nunchuk to box in the game, etc.

When u say "While it's supposed to be used for Virtual Console games, it could very easily be used on other games", what do u mean by that? What are Virtual Console games?
meh, use SEARCH and type it in, and other games as in like newly produced games for the Wii, SSBB BETTER USE IT OR IMA BE PISSED!
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Virtual Console is basically and emulator then. Thats cool. Im worried that the big games lik MGS, GTA, Fight Night and the like which will be released on PS3 and 360 WONT come on the Wii.

The GC had way too many Nintendo only games, i dont want the Wii to follow the same path
elrasho said:
The GC had way too many Nintendo only games, i dont want the Wii to follow the same path
Why not? I want the Wii to have exclusives, but I also want to play those games like Fight Club, aswell, although they will probably look best on Xbox360 or PS3, but I'm guessing the Wii version won't look bad. Wii is more powerful than all the current gen consoles, including the original Xbox, so it'll be pretty nice and you'll have the innovative controlls, too.
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after reading the 101 FAQs i feel let down. No HDTV?? and the fact the GFX cant be matched to the 360? Alos i read somewhere the Wii only has a 20% gain of power over the GC

Also, the wiimote can be copied by Sony, the could make a similar controller as an addon couldnt they?
It's been known for quite some time that Wii focuses on gameplay/controls, not graphics. Again, it's going to be more powerful than the original Xbox and it's actually been said (sorry, I don't have the source) Wii will be twice as powerful as the Gamecube.

And no, Sony can't just duplicate the Wiimote/nunchuk; they'd get sued. The PS3 only has tilt sensetivity, so it doesn't know how far away from the TV it is. This means it can't tell when you're making jabbing motions like you can with the Wiimote, which in some games translates to actually stabbing with a sword. Oh, and the PS3 controller doesn't even have rumble. The PS3 controller's tilt sensing feature will probably be used only for driving and flying games and to me, it just seems like a gimmick.
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  • #13
Im a PC gamer really, but what attracts me to the Wii is the wiimote. I just dont want it to be runied by the Wii just having Kiddie games and the odd MGS or Splinter Cell game comin out. I mean can u see a game like God of War on the Wii?.... I cant.

Also, i saw the gameplay vid for Red Steel. The conecpt is brill, BUT it seemed too linear, u know like a Virtual Cop game
Gosh, haven't you heard? Far Cry, Red Steel, and Call of Duty 3 are all launch titles for Wii. They're not the gorest games, but their certainly violent and not "kiddy." God of War's great and all but it's really because of it's gameplay, not just the blood.
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  • #15
I suppose the Wii is a cheap alternative for a NExt-Gen onsole. The fact that its £149 makes me feel insecure, that im buying a half baked next gen console. Sure the ideaas are great, seein Shiguru Miyamoto play that tennis game really impressed me. But will games like Fight Night Round 3 be released using the same technology, i cant see big name companys like EA remakng some of their games to ncorporate the Wiimote

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