What is your Review of The Conduit?


WiiChat Member
May 11, 2009
A small house in England
Wii Online Code
i know it isnt out till July over here in poor little Europe but i wana No your personal reviews of The game so i wont waste my money getting it, i also have a Question...

is the Disc Duel Layer like BRAWL???
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i bought the conduit today....i'm from trinidad...we get stuff fast down here... LOL

dont know how to tell if its dual layer but what i CAN say is that its worth it...indeed the best first person shooter for wii right now....EXTREMELY similar to halo but with better graphics and more detail...

graphics are very kool for a wii game...the only thing i'd recommend is customizing the sensor's sensitivity because the default settings for it is way too sensitive...when correctly set...u got flawless handling yo!!!...

im desperately wanting to buy the conduit, just because it looks cool. but i have to save my money for the ghostbusters game. I need to buy it on Wii, 360 and DS. Just so i can have all 3 experiences. I'm a total fanatic when it comes to ghostbusters.
^^^dont waste ur money to buy ghostbusters for all the platforms u mentioned there...it is EXTREMELY short....no replay value whatsoever...if u absolutely have to get it...just get it for DS and wii cuz the xbox version will be dull cuz of it's less innovative controlling than the wii
^^^dont waste ur money to buy ghostbusters for all the platforms u mentioned there...it is EXTREMELY short....no replay value whatsoever...if u absolutely have to get it...just get it for DS and wii cuz the xbox version will be dull cuz of it's less innovative controlling than the wii

The Conduit's single-player campaign is extremely short as well, with only nine missions. The online component has been worthless for me, not working at all. Right now, because of my experience with The Conduit, I'd suggest not purchasing it.
Renting can never hurt, but I love the multiplayer so much. It was worth it completely for me. The single player is nothing special although I'm still enjoying the later levels (I upped the difficulty to 4/5, default is 3/5). It's definitely the best pure FPS on wii. (I haven't really played anything other than metroid though, which is a different animal).

If you've enjoyed multiplayer FPS games like goldeneye or perfect dark then the Conduit is right up your alley. But I can only speak for myself and again renting can never hurt.

(It does feel similar to Halo at times, but it has a different atmosphere and the controls are far smoother than dual analog)
^^^dont waste ur money to buy ghostbusters for all the platforms u mentioned there...it is EXTREMELY short....no replay value whatsoever...if u absolutely have to get it...just get it for DS and wii cuz the xbox version will be dull cuz of it's less innovative controlling than the wii

From what I've read, there isn't anything innovative with the Ghostbusters game on the Wii. This innovation crap is really bothering me, gah.

Will give the Conduit a rent this weekend and see how it goes. I might give it a purchase down the road if I do enjoy it.
Well my time with The Conduit has been interesting.

When i first got it i liked it but i had 2 problems with it. First the graphics were not what i expected. Second was the controls were tough to get used too.

Neither is a problem anymore for me.

First of all i was useing a STV on 480i, ewww. I have just bought a brand new 32in LCD HD TV. Its killer now...The game looks AMAZING!

Second of all i found out a little thing the game has called lock-on. Its not auto aim at all but it helps the game controls come together nicely. Its kinda like a screen lock-on control. You still have to aim but it helps you steady the camera. Dont bother making fun of me for not knowing this right away, im aware lol.

I love this game now...I wont give a number grade because my time with the game has been very limited. But Im having a lot of fun.
The Conduit is a good game. The only issues I have with the game is that it's a little too short for my taste. However, the online mode makes up for that issue so overall its a solid game. The graphics are great, although it may depend on the television you use. The controls are very well put together, and I love all the customization features as well.

Letter grades and percentages are always a pain in the rear to come up with, but this game is in the:

80%-86% range

Though the looong online matchmaking is a turn-off, when you get in game, everything else doesn't matter!
to be honest, the game's online feels a little clunky. the customization is great though, and i haven't experienced any lag yet, but i feel like world at war's online just seems smoother and more polished. oh, and the conduit's visuals were overhyped to say the least. i find it hard to believe that people were mistaking this for a 360 game. not to say it doesn't look pretty, but i feel world at war's visuals also trumped those of the conduit.

disappointing...looks like my world at war won't be collecting dust like i thought it would. sigh.
I think if they continued to add patches to the Conduit, such as different maps, weapons, types of games, and outfits, the replay value of this game would shoot through the damn roof.
ive played the game for around 2 hours today. only online, so here are my thoughts, and i will compare to both halo 3 (360) and WaW (wii) since i own both.

graphics - great for wii. better than WaW. the characters look much better. i also like the red/blue teams theme like halo.

Controls - dissapointed no default controls for wii zapper but I could customize them to work with it. I did like WaWs wii zapper controls.

lag - i did notice some lag...players moving or should i say jumping from one part of the screen to the next as if they were teleported. mostly there is no lag though, i just noticed it several times though. this could also be my connection or anything though.

maps - WaW maps are better. I am not fond of halos or conduits. halos are too open and conduits are too closed. maps arent bad though, i guess i need to get used to them.

sprinting - just like halo, there is no sprinting. i like that about WaW

weapons - sometimes the shots are a little confusing similar to halos. i like the human weapons the best (thats a choice in multiplayer for human). lots of weapons though...yet there didnt seem to be many on the maps to find..unless i just didnt know where to look

killing - seems a little hard to kill people like halo. something i will need to get used to. I liked killing in WaW best.

wii speak - i dont have it, so i cant comment. however, i can speak in halo and most games no one talks or its 12 year olds screaming at each other. so that feature isnt something i really care for.

radar - similar to halos radar, its somewhat confusing. WaW radar is my favorite.

So, will this game replace WaW and halo 3 for me? It will replace WaW. I have been playing it for a few months now and the conduit has better online in my opinion. There can be 6 people on each team, which i like better. plus its new. plus they have more games - capture the flag, etc. Will this replace halo 3? No. The 360 has a good game with halo and its the 3rd version. i like the acheivments in halo, the medals, and how it all connects with xbox live which is amazing.

Should you buy the conduit? Yes. if you like fps and are looking for a wii one, definitely buy this, its a lot fun. it feels a lot like halo. o, and its very addicting. i already want to play more.

As for the campaign mode....i played it for 5 minutes. it seems fun. almost exactly like halo ie killing weird sci fi monsters. i have yet to the play more than 5 minutes of the campaign for WaW, halo 3, or the conduit and probably never will. The online modes just rock.
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Dude, the Conduit online mode will last me for months. The online mode is so fun. I'd compare it to Halo. Honestly.

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