What is your worst game ever played?

i would either say Stampede for the Intellivison or E.T for the 2600. Theres plenty of crappy new games but Many can be salvaged for a few minutes... these 2 nah...

Worst new game i have played is Spiderman 3 on the Wii.
and ya Superman 64 was horrible. I didn't put it because it actually more"fun" than E.t.
I would have to say the legend of zelda for the nes.I just thought it was so boring wandering up,down,left,or right with no clue on where to go and then dieing and basically starting all over

I was also very dissapointed on harvest moon magical melody.I asked for harvest moon its a wonderful life for gamecube because one of my best friends told me it was fun only my mom bought me the wrong one when I asked for it for my birthday so I thought I would give this game a try and lets just say I didnt get much sleep that night.:O
Im gonna have to say **** you doctorecs.....This thread is about the Worst game you have ever played. Not the Game you are worst at. If you can't Beat a 45 minute game that is innovative and great thats your own fault , that doesn't mean its a bad game. And from your second paragraph.....Your a Harvest moon fanboy ( can those words logically be placed in the same sentence) But seriously Zelda is a great game and im not saying your opinion is wrong because of my opinion. You just didn't base how good the game was based on the game. You didn't have enough skill so you say it sucks....uh...HuH?
Ok let me explain what I meant. I meant I thought it was kinda a bad game because they give you this huge map and almost no clue on where to go. Its just my opinion that I liked ocarina of time better and twilite and wind waker better because they atleast gave you a hint on where to go instead of wandering around for a half hour in circles looking for a temple.

Also watch the langauge or the mods are gonna bann you!
If you have played the game then you would know that you can start pretty much anywhere and go through almost any dungeon. All the dungeons are pretty easy to so no matter if you "don't know what to do" it doesnt matter all you have to do is comeplete temples and then use items you got to help you through the others. It sounds like you did't even finish One temple which is sad.Btw theres a Shitload of NES games like that, you have no idea what to do unless you have the manual, but in Zelda you can play anyways. Still again you shouldnt base a game on whether or not you are good at, the only way this is a factor is if you couldn't play it it you can't judge it. so don't. The origial shouldnt really be compared exept the NES zelda is less linear. There all great games. I will say i like Twilight WW oot etc better. But its a 45 minute long game so i dont really compare it. Most games that are on new platforms i don't put up against older games because they are so different. One of the only NES games that will always better than new games is Mario 3. Well that and most all Megamans... Megaman is the ****
Scream said:
Barbie for Sega Genesis.

If its anything like the NES one that ....It sucks.. I had one for Playstation because it was a dollar and i thought it would be a good laugh... I played through the entire game....Boy i have to say i never regretted spending a dollar more in my life.