What should I get?


Pokémon Master
Nov 17, 2007
I'm thinking of buying a new game this weekend, but I can't decide what. I was thinking of getting a game for the DS, but I really don't play it much anymore unless I'm playing Diamond/Pearl. I want to get a game for my just-bought PS3, but I'm not into the PS3 much....plus I don't know what games are out for it. I don't think there is anything really good out for the Xbox360. I got Halo3 when it came out, so I'm good right now with 360 games. Then the Wii. I'm kinda waiting for Brawl to come out. I had hoped that they wouldn't push it back...but they did. ugh.

So...to my point. What should I get? I have all systems, so there's no limitations. I'd rather get a console game than a hand-held.

Just please don't say Assassin's Creed. I'm going to rent it instead.

Please give your reasons for the games you suggest. Thanks.
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