What to say to your suicidal friend...

As others have mentioned, it is probably best to notify his parents as this is a very serious issue and there is no telling of whether or not he may attempt it again.

Best of luck to the both of you.
Theres allways the way that I use on my self when im in one of those moods (havent been in one for a while)
Thats I tend to think of how my death will effect others that I know
Darkprinny said:
Theres allways the way that I use on my self when im in one of those moods (havent been in one for a while)
Thats I tend to think of how my death will effect others that I know
This post wins.

That's the only thing that ever helps me. Thinking about how I promised my mom I wouldn't do it, and how completely destroyed she'd be if I did. She said she'd probably join me. I don't want that. Even that hasn't been enough one or two times, but I was able to get help. I really hope your friend will get some inpatient help for a while. Maybe some cognitive behavioral therapy. Definitely some medication as well.
Sovieto said:
i know this isnt very comforting but more than 90% of the time people who tell others theyre going to kill themselves really dont do it, and its more of an act for attention... (im a proven part of this statistic..)

HA, i knew their was somethi odd about you


dude, so this guy just wants to kill himself out of nowhere right? if so.......i dont know read someone elses post
say hes the best friend you have ever had, reguarless of the truth.
thats what i do i have a friend who listened to a negitive song and now he wants to suicid.
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Celeste said:
This post wins.

That's the only thing that ever helps me. Thinking about how I promised my mom I wouldn't do it, and how completely destroyed she'd be if I did. She said she'd probably join me. I don't want that. Even that hasn't been enough one or two times, but I was able to get help. I really hope your friend will get some inpatient help for a while. Maybe some cognitive behavioral therapy. Definitely some medication as well.
Trust me I still have scars on my wirsts from times when I lost my self
Thats why I have things round me that remind me of people that whould feel depressed if I wasnt here
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  • #54
Thanks to anyone who has helped, or tried to.

Well, his dad came home and found out about everything pretty much. Anything that he didn't find out about, my friend told him. He's not left at home alone anymore. His dad is getting him psychiatric help. He won't be able to hurt himself or try to commit suicide ever again.

I'm so relieved. Thanks again, everyone. When I was on the phone to him, I said pretty much every idea you guys had. I think it helped him think rationally. The assurance I got from you guys helped me heaps too.

You guys are great.
just one point that prinny made... think about how it will affect others that doesn't always work... i know i sometimes wish i could fake my death just to see how people would react and if they really did care and if i meant anything at all to them yes of course it is going to make everyone sad but sometimes you can get so worked up that you dont care if it hurts them you may even go as far as thinking of this as a way of revenge... i suggest you find him a hobby mine was GYM now I'm pretty much a gym junkie i go every day i have made heaps of Friends and i look pretty good if i don't say so my self=D ...

i had a good Friend of mine pass away last year he hung him self it is the worst feeling in the world you feel as if it is all your fault so i suggest you give everything to this friend if means this much to you... if you follow everyone's advice and your own gut and if your friend has any common sense it will be A OK as i said in my other post you really need to find what is the problem and address it!
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  • #56
Okay, another update.

Today he was talking about leaving for a break from Queensland, and then maybe go back home to England for a while. However, instead he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. They told him that he was damn lucky he vomited everything up - with the amount of alcohol he drunk (a bottle of gin and half a bottle of bacardi), he should have had his stomach pumped. If he didn't get to hospital... eh, he would've died.

He seems a lot happier now, and you were right Celeste - professional help is the best thing. He's still living at home, but he's getting treatment. He's talking about dropping out of school and that - it's too stressful for him at the moment. Though I normally wouldn't agree with dropping out, I told him I don't care what he does, just so long as he gets better.

I'm happy with the way it turned out.

Thanks again all.
This reminds me of the following quote.

Michael Moore: If you were to talk directly to the kids at Columbine or the people in that community, what would you say to them if they were here right now?

Marilyn Manson: I wouldn't say a single word to them, I would listen to what they have to say and that's what no one did.

I think mostly, what you need to do, and it seems like you did, is listen. It is really important for someone in that type of situation not to feel as if they are completely alone.

I think a lot of the time it is instinctual and a lot easier to dominate a conversation with someone who is suicidal. You want to tell them things that will make them feel better. You try every angle. Your mind races, and you want to say any possible thing that could help. But sometimes, an extra pause, or waiting for a response is infinitely more valuable than anything you could say. Very often it is not easy for them to say what is really bothering them. Sometimes they can't even really figure it out themselves. Talking will help this. Also, it will subtly reinforce their value. Just the simple fact that someone is listening to their words may help. This then leads to the point that Prinny brought up about thinking about people that care about you.

Move in the positive.
How about you tell his parents about it so that they pay more attention to him and his case, hmm? That way he'll have more attention (which is what most suicidal people want) and be watched over by his parents with less possibility of a suicide.

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