Whatcha bin buyin


My wallet is hurting..

actually I don't think the Xbox One is a "retard buy" like everyone else. The games it will get count for somefin, after all
I don't like to limit myself. I got both a PS4 and Xbone because each has exclusives I like. Same reason I buy Nintendo because lord knows it doesn't have a huge collection of games.
The picture behind your hand. I demand you straighten it out! It is going to haunt my dreams until it is fixed!

Ignore that there PAL in the bottom-right corner.

Got it for $40 'cause Black Flag Friday 'n all. I'm more than patient enough t' wait for it to drop 'round half that price when bought used, but I've been playin' AC:III multiplayer a lot recently and have been rarin' to sink my Ice Fangs int' AC:IV's multiplayer.

ass creed > xenoblade trolololololololol