the ~Ask Anyone Anything~ thread


WiiChat Member
Jun 21, 2007
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Yeah. I like making threads where people who are interested, can learn more about each other. Maybe you're going through something and are wondering if anyone else here has too...maybe you have a specific question for a specific person...I don't know. This thread is for inquisitive people interested in gaining knowledge about fellow forum bbz or situations or experiences or...everything. I'm babbling. You get the point I hope.
Alright.....Celeste Why is ur username Celeste??
Why do u like Mily cirus? She sucks no offence
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Ello thar.
My username is Celeste because my name is Celestia.
I like Miley Cyrus because I'm as easily amused as a 12 year old and I adore Hannah Montana and the Hannah/Miley music. I was just playing Hannah Montana Music Jam on my DS when I was on the subway.
I SEE YOUR WHITE TEXT, MISTER. She doesn't suck!
Celeste said:
Ello thar.
My username is Celeste because my name is Celestia.
I like Miley Cyrus because I'm as easily amused as a 12 year old and I adore Hannah Montana and the Hannah/Miley music. I was just playing Hannah Montana Music Jam on my DS when I was on the subway.
I SEE YOUR WHITE TEXT, MISTER. She doesn't suck!

How'd u see the white text I mean ppl dont usually highlight post lol I thought no one would see it
OMG, he can read minds too. I wonder if he is listening to my thought about him listening to my thought about listening to my thought about listening to my thought about listening to my thought about listening to my thought. Thats relatively what it sounds like when your thinking about something like that, it drives me crazy when people do that to me.
Dorkfish said:
No, but its not a bad thing so why be shy about it?
well, its jus that family doesnt really approve of it :(

ive only told one of my sisters, and shes ok with it, but my other relatives are unpredictable
ZeLdA4LiFe said:
well, its jus that family doesnt really approve of it :(

ive only told one of my sisters, and shes ok with it, but my other relatives are unpredictable
just tell them ur free to be what u want
Dorkfish said:
OMG, he can read minds too. I wonder if he is listening to my thought about him listening to my thought about listening to my thought about listening to my thought about listening to my thought about listening to my thought.
I'm pretty sure that is exactly what happened.

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