What's the wierdest hack you have seen?


Number 1 GE Wiimote User
Dec 24, 2011
Cumberland, RI
Wii Online Code
I was just in a game with a hacker named "rene latraupe" or something like that. He kept doing this hack that would make everyone bounce up and down really fast like we were repeatedly falling. Obviously the result everytime was a mass-suicide for anyone not under a roof. Very strange. Anyone else experience any weird or "strange" hacks lately?
I had come across that hack, I exit it out when I saw people were flying, etc. The weirdest one for me is playing Black Box on Jungle, and getting ready to shoot, and then all of a sudden, I have part of an ariel view of the map, acting as a camera. I was able to shoot, but just from where I was. And of course, moving around as a camera... it was completely weird. I was only able to exit out by pushing the off button on the wii.
Not really weird -- more surreal, but I like the one where you're always running with unlimited light foot and unlimited ammo, no reload. Its like you're floating. For some reason I go Kanera V crazy in unlimited ammo hacked matches... Try it next time :p

Havent been in a bouncy match since I stopped playing BB.

I think I saw a hacker running through the walls once :confused5:
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yeah, unlimited ammo hacks can get out of control sometimes...particularly when you get the jerks that run around with unlimited noob toobs....urgh.
there was a hack that seemed to give the user infinte lives, it had one flaw, you could still melee kill him.
Once i learned, i had a bit of fun.
there was a hack that seemed to give the user infinte lives, it had one flaw, you could still melee kill him.
Once i learned, i had a bit of fun.

I remember a match where the only option was to melee. Once everyone figured it out it was pretty fun.
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Yeah, xplo, I have. Nothing like a good tubie-poopie fest. Although...unlimited proxies is fun too. No one can walk anywhere in Outpost when that happens!
yeah, unlimited ammo hacks can get out of control sometimes...particularly when you get the jerks that run around with unlimited noob toobs....urgh.

It's actually entertaining if a hacker on your team does the rapid fire toob, to end the fun for them just walk in front of them and they blow up.
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OK, so this is why hackers shouldn't mess with xp...shameful...

It's not a weird hack, but it seems to be the one that I run into the most is people hacking a low level shotgun to fire like an smg. I consider it one of the most annoying hacks I've encountered, it's hard on some maps like archives and docks, but on open maps like outpost, it is easier to deal with.
Saw a new one (to me at least) today, I don't know who did it but someone in a docks match had a toros with a silencer. Since I was on an alternate account, I picked it up and used it a bit. Though I feel that thermal snipers work much better in docks than silenced ones.

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