Wheres the surprise?

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JT. said:
I say they release the ultimate package, which contains, the Wii external hard disc, Wii headphones, Wii keyboard, and the demo channel! (You need the extra memory to use the demo channel, cause the demos could be sorta big.) And only for $99!

I bet if they ever come out with a headset, it'll have motion sensing.

I'm betting on it being released on the 25th, if not then it'll be out on the last day of September.

One of those two days, garunteed.
@__@! *gurgles* I'd really love any of these ideas. But the whole surprise thing is a surprise to me. That's how behind I am on Wii news. XP (that's what college does...or what it should do, at least. ^^; )

Though... I'm one of those raaare folks who have never been let down by Nintendo. 9_9 So I'm sure I'll love it, whatever it is. Woot! :cool:

The keyboard idea is very tempting. <3 Mii Chat Channel, woo! *shot* (there would be so much spam on that, it wouldn't be worth it. T^T)
hey Minako..I'm also one of those raaare folks! high 5!!! I will not be desillusioned if the surprise is not good.
LevesqueIsKing said:
Which is why I suggested a Demo Channel, featuring SSBB and SMG as the first two demos.

Oops, sorry bud, guess I should have read more.
I came into it kinda late again.
i think Nintendo would let us use our own hdds' that we have make some sort of plug that goes on the wii mote and lets us use a the ds head phone aand get more keyboard function
blankconnection said:
never happened, preview channel,not demo

Yeah well if you wanted to get technical then your right.
But previews are still kinda demoesque. Yes I just made a new word :lol:
I don't think we are getting a surprise this month. Call it a hunch... Or maybe the fact this thread has gone on for 8 pages, and X-amount of days with no additional news.
september isnt over yet, dont lose hope. and even if we dont get it before the month is over, Nintendo never fails with their 'surprises' !
I'd laugh if this 'surprise' was this:
"We are sorry to say, that Nintendo has fallen apart, we are no longer a company, and no new games will be released"
Maybe we could start a count down. =P Or maybe one's already started?

Anyways... It's the 24th. <3 7 days to go?
Did anyone hear about a rumourd conference ninty is holdimg in Japan on October 10. Good chance of the suprise being anounced then along with other stuff.
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