Who Wants To Be My Rival?

Oh, Subarnu..I fought you and you weren't very good, just the same as the rest like Killa doing the same move over and over...Aren't there any true Smashers? And yeah, I thought you said you could beat me, Killa. The truth saw the light.
wth lol i could beat u i destroyed u with diddy and then u just spam ur ass of with samus lol u cant beat me u must be crazy all u did was use his missle all day and shoot and u talk about spamming u have no skill lol and ur connection sucks u did 0 combos with samus lol waste of my time u spammed the hole game and when i got u to 2 lives it got even worst lmao ur no competition
Everything you are saying is what you did...What I did is not called spamming, it's called "if you can't dodge these missiles, which are coming at you 30 feet afar, you are pathetic" test. Everything you are saying about me is you...You are the one with no skill, my friend, did you bite your own tongue? Spamming down A with Pikachu and then trying to get me with down B and doing smashes so I run into them is skill? Learn precision and we'll fight again.
lol i wasnt even fighting with pikachu idiot it was diddy kong man ur smart and i wonder how i spam with diddy kong cause every1 that played me with diddy knos that i never spam with him and plus 30 feet my ass u was mad close just spamming all ur missles and your charging up shot u cant play with any1 unless u spam with samus noob u seen wat happened to u when u use link then the game slow down and i didnt fight no more
Don't worry, I'll upload the replays in here to let everyone know who really won and who really spams WITHOUT strategizing.
Yeah, I'll do that, man, I'm at school now , though, so when I get home.
u could put the replays lol i dont care cause i played alot of people here and they kno i dont spam with diddy how is it even possible to spam with diddy
This is you with whatever character (specially Diddy) excluding Pikachu: *BANANAS BANANAS BANANAS* Wait till someone gets close...*DOWN SMASH*, oh they got away, *shiled and roll towards them, repeat* *UP SMASH, DOWN SMASH, FORWARD SMASH* oops, I was facing the opposite way *shield and tolls towards them* A+A+A..oH, look! they are jumping near the edge! *AIR DOWN SMASH* awww missed!

Seriously, learn precision instead of random luck hits, try to do more air hits instead of rolling, evade more and fall quicker on occassions and you'll get better.

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