why are you worried about the wii's graphics?


Chapter .1
Aug 20, 2006
Miami Beach, fl
i notice ppl are worrying about the graphics as i said before, in the last gen, yea ok maybe it did matter, but looks at the wii's graphics,...then look at the wii's hardware, nicely done isn't it? small but powerful. another thing is that the wii may lack a lil bit on graphics but besides the fact that games STILL look beautiful, it makes up for it with the wiimote. honestly i rather play an interactive games that look good, rather than playing a really great looking crappy game with a bommerang (joke). plus another thing alot of ppl don't think about it the developers...take EA for example and compare that to that disgusting 989 studios..hmm? what about ACCLAIM (dead) compared to THQ? its about the developers too, its kinda like the rap industry lol when u got these whack rappers like 3-6 mafia that makes 20 albums a years and 50 cent who makes 1 and sell bazillions (he sucks in my opinion, i got shot too!) anyway i think some of these developers are RUSHING into making games just to market, and nowadays it can probably look decent, but not the same as a fully concentrated project. like nintendo said, a delayed game, is better than a rushed one
1. ur right, but i think the graphics are lookin impressive IMO
2. OMG I GOT SHOT 9 TIMES IM GONNA RAP IN EVERY SONG N SAY HOW I GOT SHOT IN ALL OF EM (50 cent impression) then he writes Candy Shop :lol: off topic but still
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exactly, and now in this gen, games look decent enough to play, i remeber playing turok for the n64 and then play tomb raider, and wanna throw up, but now thats not possible, cuz all games looks good. another perfect example, look at saints row...the game looks sweet but the framerate is horrible, then look at dead rising, the game is near perfect, feel me dawg? lol
well i'm hoping to get marvel ultimate alliance because if you havent seen the pics for it yet it shows what they look like on the 360 and ps3 and its pretty amazing. The said the one for the wii will be kind of cartoon like a step up from x-man legends but a step down from the 360 and ps3 one. I hope it all looks good in the end.
No graphics do matter! Wii with pong graphics... well it would be impsooble to play....
I agree if the wii is only 2 times powerful than gamecube... plenty of power.
But if ps3 and 360 had these graphics it would not be acceptable...
The Wii is the most powerful system to date. Due to the fact that it provides the most powerful gaming experience...
Im not the least bit worried about the wiis graphics, however I kind of think it is more powerful than we all think. Why are they keeping the specs secret?
Also nintendo has been developing the broadway ati thing for like 5 years...
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i have marvel nemesis for the psp (no i didn't get my board name from that game) and i beat if in like 5 hours, and it was the FIRST TIME PLAYING!! but yea, nintendo is finally UP AGAIN! yea!
WannaWii said:
No graphics do matter! Wii with pong graphics... well it would be impsooble to play....

Exactly. Graphics are an integral part of Next-Gen, no matter how much you guys want to say it's not. But from what I hear the graphics we have seen so far on the Wii are NOTHING compared to what are going to be in the final product, so we're just gonna have to sit tight until Nintendo releases new info.
my friend is a 360 fanboy, i like to show him graphics from like the 360 and say their from the wii and he will say they suck, then i show him graphics from the wii (red steel) and he says yah thoes are 360 true next gen graphics, ahh he never gets it right, after this i started the topic: Sterotyping Wii's Graphics
Im almost 100 percent sure their is a false impression of the wiis graphics being weaker than what they really are...
Why is nintendo keeping the specs secret?

NEC has revealed that Nintendo Wii will use the same NEC eDRAM for its graphics processing, which powers the Xbox 360 as well.

With 10MB of fast RAM embedded in the graphics chip, the NEX eDRAM allows enough buffer space for anti-aliasing to be added to graphics ‘for free’.

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thats just stupid, how the hell can u say "oh imagine wii with pong graphix" are u stupid? no dont' look at me like that are you stupid or retarted? or both? ofcourse graphics matter, but not like before, good god jesus and moses, i've always said that graphic matter 100% but now its only like 70% i mean look at that crappy ps2 and its jagged edges, c'mon
WannaWii said:
Im almost 100 percent sure their is a false impression of the wiis graphics being weaker than what they really are...
Why is nintendo keeping the specs secret?

NEC has revealed that Nintendo Wii will use the same NEC eDRAM for its graphics processing, which powers the Xbox 360 as well.

With 10MB of fast RAM embedded in the graphics chip, the NEX eDRAM allows enough buffer space for anti-aliasing to be added to graphics ‘for free’.


Their not hiding out, they just have nothing to show it on, its a 100% fact the graphics will be much better than what we saw at E3, because thoes devs got the early dev kit a month before e3
I would say that the wii is the most powerful because it can hold the most power in comparison to the siz of its box
NeMeZyZ said:
thats just stupid, how the hell can u say "oh imagine wii with pong graphix" are u stupid? no dont' look at me like that are you stupid or retarted? or both? ofcourse graphics matter, but not like before, good god jesus and moses, i've always said that graphic matter 100% but now its only like 70% i mean look at that crappy ps2 and its jagged edges, c'mon

But the PS2 still had amazing games. For somebody who cares for Gameplay over Graphics so much I don't quite understand why you would post that...

Now my question to you. Are you stupid? Graphics matter now moreso than ever before i'm afraid, and Nintendo needs to live up to that if they want to succeed, but i'm honestly not worried about it. Nintendo has never let me down before.
The Wii's graphics r going to be "enough". I mean w/ the innovation that it's going to have do u need better graphics than crystal clear? I mean c'mon, y would ppl need better graphics than the Wii's got? I'll tell u y, cuz' Sony/Xbox fanboys don't want to admit that Nintendo's the best, that's y.

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