Wii Can Download "Complete" Ds Games


Wii > Xbox360 +PS3
Feb 20, 2007
Buffalo NY
Wii Online Code
Speaking with the New York Times, Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime has offered a little more info on the Wii's ability to interact with the DS. While we already know that the Wii will be able to download and transmit DS demos to the handheld, we now also know that you'll soon be able to download full games to your DS. While discussing the demo download feature, as well as DS DLC (like Japan, the US version of Professor Layton will feature extra downloadable puzzles), he tells the paper that gamers will be able to download "complete games" to the DS via the Wii's upcoming Everyone's Nintendo channel.
No further info is provided, on the channel's Western launch or what kind of "complete games" he's talking about, but does this mean the Game Boy and/or Game Boy Advance might about to be added to the Virtual Console's lineup?
With Wii and DS, Nintendo Has 2 Hit Game Devices [NY Times]

In my opinion im wondering if Nintendo will sell Blank Ds game catridges, so that you can download ny games you might want to it. But does this mean you could download VC games to your DS as well? There are many rumors, feel free to discuss.

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Reggie was actually specific with what he ment by it. He could be refering to downloading actual DS games or regular gameboy games. Hopefully we get this new channel soon.
Oh, stupid me xD well, either way it'll be better than having to scowler the earth for your favourite out-of-stock game.
Well I saw a video of a guy in Japan who had the channel, and when you choose to download the Ds game your Wii sends a signal to your Ds. Then you have to choose download or something on your Ds I think and it starts downloading and you can play it after that. Whether it stays or goes it never showed, but having blank cartridges for them would be a better idea..or something along those lines.
Sometimes I think some of you are GBATempers with the way you guys get this news.

But, this would most likely go in conjuction with the DS Vision that's planned.
Nintendo's getting in the game with downloadable stuff.

I just know the microSD industry is going to boom if everybody gets one of these carts.

And who wouldn't want to carry around ONLY ONE CARD?

Nintendo has an eye for money. There's no denying it.
This idea is crap unless they start selling blank cartridges. Unless it works differently than the other downloadable games I've put on my DS, i.e. you can turn your DS off without the game being erased from memory.
Budo said:
This idea is crap unless they start selling blank cartridges. Unless it works differently than the other downloadable games I've put on my DS, i.e. you can turn your DS off without the game being erased from memory.

Well, that's what the DS vision does.

See, the DS Vision is a blank cart that you stick in a microSD (though this was origninally ment for movies, music, and such. There's already a card like that though....) card.

What I see happening is that you'll have your microSD card, and you'll put that into the wii. You'll then buy the DS game, and have it downloaded to the card. You'll get the card and put it back into the DS Vision, and enjoy gaming goodness.
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Trulen said:
Well, that's what the DS vision does.

See, the DS Vision is a blank cart that you stick in a microSD (though this was origninally ment for movies, music, and such. There's already a card like that though....) card.

What I see happening is that you'll have your microSD card, and you'll put that into the wii. You'll then buy the DS game, and have it downloaded to the card. You'll get the card and put it back into the DS Vision, and enjoy gaming goodness.

But then what effect would this have on the distributers like walmart toysRus ect.? They would just have to supply blank cards then.
It would be great if they added in GBA to VC. It has some great games worth checking out. As long as they are 500 pts or less it's ok.
Does this mean that we could be seeing the Everybody's Nintendo Channel make its way to North America soon. Cus that was one of the features of that channel that is currently available in Japan.
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Yes thats what im guessing that Reggie is hinting.
i doubt it were would you keep the mem to much to handle plus buying a cartridge every time you download would be retarded and you could only save one game considering the mem of the cart so I doubt this will happen also I have a psp so I dont care
Sounds good this. They wont sell blank carts though as they are expensive to make, more likely use the microSD system

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