Wii Doubles the price of PS3

Sep 24, 2006
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Wii Doubles the sales of PS3

Here's the Source Aparently the wii will double the money of ps3...No don't start to panic the way i did..the wii will not raise their price...nintendo is just going to make more money then sony thats all
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Demon Slayer said:
Here's the Source Aparently the wii will double the money of ps3...No don't start to panic the way i did..the wii will not raise their price...nintendo is just going to make more money then sony thats all

I would say more than double. Nintendo will have 4 million Wii's by the end of this year, while sony will have only 400,000 PS3's by the same time.
Its sales not price, the topic is a tad mis leading, and i think this was posted before, but im not sure.
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Sovieto said:
Its sales not price, the topic is a tad mis leading, and i think this was posted before, but im not sure.
My Bad...and no because its supost to be latest news i think...if not i am sorry and yeah
Kumoriken said:
Indeed it will be. And the ammount that they are shipping, as Jenova said, is really, really sad. xP

"Well, there are only 15 pre-orders per EB-Games for the PS3. If ya want one, you better hurry up, they started today! Oh wait, sorry, they're all gone, guess you can't get one till next year. So, buy a Wii! =D"

That's so funny, the Wii is cheaper and still we make more money than sony. Also heard somewhere that Sony loses $200 for every unit they sell :lol:

Also, anyone hear that Nintendo is making it 2 million Wii units on launch? instead of 1 million? omg!~~
Who here's pre-order there wii, I for one have and rember what the store guy said to me "Its the most pre-orders we've gotten for a console ever" That's something else
Trust me, when all is said and done, Sony will make money off of the PS3. They HAVE put all of their eggs into one basket, or so it seems, but they can afford to do so.

If the Blu-Ray becomes a success, the PS3 will win the console wars, hands down. If the blu-ray doesn't catch on for whatever reason, there is a chance for failure, but considering the rapid improvements in technology, over the course of the life of this system, the price is certainly going to drop. And people will buy it later on in its life cycle. It will be similar to what happened with the PS2.

Remember, the PS2 was not the leading console right off the bat. But now, with over 100 million units sold, they are easily the winners. I mean, I just bought one this year! Its a great system.

The Sony reps predict a life cycle of 10 years for the PS3 (which is on the high side) but don't you think that over the course of 10 years, the PS3 will overtake all systems? The technology involved in creating the PS3 is far more advanced than the other systems and is therefore more "future proof". That is what will cause people to buy this thing down the road.

Sony is going to be fine, but I hope Nintendo can regain its marketshare that it lost with the GameCube.
To be honest i think the majority of the ps3 buyers will be adults to begin with. Some of my teenager friends used to be looking forward to the ps2 and xbox, but have both said the 360 and ps3 is too expensive. I also think that the fact you will need a good tv will put people off, especially those teenagers who are hoping to play offa small portable in their bedroom. Also, as you said there the ps2 has sold over 100 million units, so im expecting games to still be made for it, by 3rd party developers at least. And whilst there are still plently of new and cheap second hand games going around the average gamer wont buy a ps3 for years. And perhaps by that time most people will have huge lcd HD ready digital (blah blah blah) tv's at least in there living room anyway.

P.S I hope sony fail anyway :lol:

I would also like to point out that the xbox 360 has been out for nearly a year in the UK, yet i only know one person with one. Does anybody know how many have been sold worldwide yet?
chessaholic said:
I would also like to point out that the xbox 360 has been out for nearly a year in the UK, yet i only know one person with one. Does anybody know how many have been sold worldwide yet?
They've sold 1. :)

JVIPER82 said:
Trust me, when all is said and done, Sony will make money off of the PS3. They HAVE put all of their eggs into one basket, or so it seems, but they can afford to do so.

If the Blu-Ray becomes a success, the PS3 will win the console wars, hands down. If the blu-ray doesn't catch on for whatever reason, there is a chance for failure, but considering the rapid improvements in technology, over the course of the life of this system, the price is certainly going to drop. And people will buy it later on in its life cycle. It will be similar to what happened with the PS2.

Remember, the PS2 was not the leading console right off the bat. But now, with over 100 million units sold, they are easily the winners. I mean, I just bought one this year! Its a great system.

The Sony reps predict a life cycle of 10 years for the PS3 (which is on the high side) but don't you think that over the course of 10 years, the PS3 will overtake all systems? The technology involved in creating the PS3 is far more advanced than the other systems and is therefore more "future proof". That is what will cause people to buy this thing down the road.

Sony is going to be fine, but I hope Nintendo can regain its marketshare that it lost with the GameCube.

Firstly, let me say that even if the Blu-Ray becomes the most widely accepted disc technology, that will NOT win them the console war. It may slightly increase their Blu-Ray sales later down the track, but that is not what people are buying it for.

Secondly, Sony's whole "10 year plan" is a VERY risky move. Just because their technology is advanced right now, doesnt mean that in 2 years Nintendo wont release something better, meaning Sony would then have to create another system. Putting 1 product on the market, and hoping that you can get 10 years of sales out of it, is VERY stupid, and VERY dangerous, in terms of their market share. Only time will tell, but I expect this plan of theirs to flop, big time, in the next few years.

Thirdly, in relation to the PS2's, the build quality of those machines is VERY poor. The only reason they've sold so many is because Sony fanboys continue to buy new ones every time they break. If the quality of the PS3 is anywhere near as poor as the PS2, then expect the console to take a MAJOR nose-dive.

And finally, in terms of Nintendo. I think they are making the wisest decision of the 3 consoles. The Wii is what I would call, "experimental", like the DS was when it originally came out. Leaving out all the advanced technology, and taking a chance on a new idea, is a good way to see how the hardware will be embraced by the general market. If they had included 10 CPUs and a Blu-Ray drive, only to have the console flop, they would be taking a serious hit. This way, if it doesn't work out, they're no worse off than they were before.

Sony is taking a huge risk, and whether it pays off or not, is a matter for another time, further down the track. They better put a lot of effort and quality into producing this console, as if they screw this one up, there might not be much chance for a come-back.
people can say what they like about the ps3, but a fact is that it is an impressive console, the only thing holding it back wud be the price, i doubt sony will fail but i think in time they will do well as soon as there console goes down, people can say all they want about the ps3 but if the console was few 100 dollars or pounds cheaper alot more people wud get one, especially when u got sum of the biggest game names for it like metal gear solid 4, that alone will help sony by along shot, and i hear always about how the xbox console has better graphics than game cube, but look at the size of it, and i dont see much diffrence in graphics at all, the gamecube didnt push it self to what it could not do, and res 4 was amazing, ninendo wii is 2 to 3 more times powerful well that wud be easily more powerful than an xbox, nintendo wii is an impressive console and the graphics are great,
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i agree . nintendo wii is a very impressive console .. besides the fact that sony may have better graphics and a better machine .. noway can you beat the classic mario, donkey kong, and all of the other hits .. nintendo is a classic no one will ever take that away ...

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