Wii - from Japanese to English firmware change


WiiChat Member
Jul 18, 2007
Hello :)

I have some questions regarding this Wii thingy :)

1. Given a Japanese Version Wii, is it possible to change its firmware to English version?
2. If it is possible to change then where can we get these firmware copies?

3. Is there a Wii that supports both Japanese and English game chips?
4. If there is none, right now I am staying in Japan, and I want to buy a Wii-English version, if someone here knows where in Japan can I buy this kind of Wii please do help me...right now, Wii-japanese version s the only scrap available at stores that i already visited...

Thanks a lot and hav a nice day! :)
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Welcome to wiichat and enjoy your stay here.
Regarding your questions:

1. Given a Japanese Version Wii, is it possible to change its firmware to English version?

I don't think that is possible.
2. If it is possible to change then where can we get these firmware copies?
Again, not possible.
3. Is there a Wii that supports both Japanese and English game chips?
If you are referring to modchips, then I think that any Wii console can be modded, regardless of its region.
4. If there is none, right now I am staying in Japan, and I want to buy a Wii-English version, if someone here knows where in Japan can I buy this kind of Wii please do help me...right now, Wii-japanese version is only available at stores that i already visited...
I am sorry, but I am not too sure about that one.
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elo byuakuya! :smilewinkgrin:

thank you for your reply!
i really appreciate it! :D

i dont have an idea as to what a modchip is as i dont own a Wii right now... but then again, I will just try to do some research about it... but if you want to share your idea about modchips, that would be great :D , it would really be a big help not just 4 me but also to other wii noobs out there reading this thread... :smilewinkgrin:

thanks again and more power :D
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