Wii Goldeneye ONLINE game crashes


WiiChat Member
Feb 19, 2011
Gotta love the Goldeneye game crashes!! Eeeeeeeeeeeee...

This YouTube clip is similar to my problem. Picture/game freezes and constant tone. Mine is a little higher pitched. The sound is coming through the audio speaker - it is not a sound of the physical Wii unit. This has happened ONLY DURING ONLINE PLAY. I've only played the campaign missions through Dubai and part of Severnaya.


I've looked at other Wii forums that attribute the problem to the GPU (graphics processor?) overheating during intense graphics. Some online posts suggest that the WiiConnect 24 can contribute to physical overheating and cause the GPU problems. I did notice my Wii case was a little warm with the unit "off" so I disabled WC24. This seemed to help for a few weeks but I've had two crashes in the last week.

Has anybody played around with other settings? Does going up to the 480p enhanced-def change the performance of the graphics card? I had my Wii horizontal for a while when this problem started. I went back to vertical with it on the stand. It is kept in a console cabinet and I open the glass door to allow air through when I'm playing. It's not being heated up by other electronics. I periodically feel the case. The side with the power switch toward the back of the unit seems to be the warmest. During the last two crashes it felt a little warm but not as warm as when the WC24 was enabled with the unit off.

I've had this crash about 15 times (online game time 4 days and counting). The crashes never occur when a round is starting. It's always in the middle or right at the end of a match. Lots of explosions/stuff is usually going on. Several have happened right at the point when the game is ending in a victory condition but before the graphics showing who won come up.

This is a nuisance problem which is still better than general internet/lag problems I've had playing other online console games. I don't want to ship my unit back to Nintendo (they swapped out a bad drive under warranty) but if y'all have any advice or similar experiences please share.

UPDATE: The fix (as some note below) is to turn it off using the power button on the console, wait, and turn it back on. I'm looking for preventative steps. I've got WC24 off now.
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I've never had this problem at all. The only problems that I've encountered are when the session lags a lot because of the host's terrible internet connection. Everyone, please do us a favor and not play online if you know that you have terrible internet connection. God forbid that you should become host and ruin everyone's fun.
Happened to me a couple times during black ops, just unplug it and plug it back in. It should be fine when you turn it on next time
Happened to me also several times. If you notice, after playing, when you push the power button, it doesn't glows red, but orange. That means that the Wii is off, but the WiFi isn't. Even the next day if you touch the Wii, it'll be warm. To completely turn off the Wii and WC24, you have to keep the power button pressed for like 3 seconds and the power bulb will light red.
Happens every once and a while when the kids are playing Star Wars the Complete Saga. Exactly, unplug and plug it back in.
I have had this happen a few times..

Also How do you host? I have been playing a while but never seem to host..
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Happened to me also several times. If you notice, after playing, when you push the power button, it doesn't glows red, but orange. That means that the Wii is off, but the WiFi isn't. Even the next day if you touch the Wii, it'll be warm. To completely turn off the Wii and WC24, you have to keep the power button pressed for like 3 seconds and the power bulb will light red.

Thanks for explaining that - I skipped over that part. I went into the Wii system settings and disabled WC24. I've got red on my power indicator when it's off now.
Yep - happens to me every once in a while. Have no idea what to do to keep it from happening. If you figure it out, please post it! :)
Very annoying issue I'm happy to see is not isolated to me!

  • I've only had this happen with Goldeneye for Wii.
  • I've played single player 100% more than once, never occurred via single player.
  • Multiplayer it will happen while first logging in/connecting, while in menus, just joining a game, or with 5 seconds left to a game, and then all my XP is gone, which is really annoying.
  • My Wii is vertical (it's happened to me horizontal as well) and not in a cabinet or anything that retains heat - it's an internal problem.
  • For reference I have almost 8 days online playing time, and have encountered this issue a few dozen times.

Solution as posted: Hold down the power button on the console until light turns red. Reboot a couple minutes later. If you can wait a while, unplug the console from power.
NOT the solution: Sending it in to Nintendo for repair. Why - you will lose your saved games for any game with online play! I had a similar issue, but more serious where my unit wouldn't read 99% of discs. I could hear the disc loading mechanism wasn't working right. Everything within Wii menus, WiiWare, etc worked perfectly. I had to send my unit in for service, and backed up every game I could to SD. The games I couldn't? Anything that had online play/a friend code - including this game and SSBB. When I received my console back (with a different serial number) it was as if brand new. And of course the Photo Channel was upgraded so I can't play MP3s anymore either. A real pain in the ass and I gave it to Nintendo over the phone afterwards who finally offer me a Nintendo produced Wii Title at no cost. Still doesn't get me the countless hours of unlocking characters, etc back.

Nintendo, can you please get your act together and invest in a few servers for centralized online gameplay like MS and Sony? NOT a 'friend code' for every profile of every game? I appreciate being able to play for free, but if this is why I can't back up my games (and sometimes we have to rely on a host who has a terrible ISP) then find a better solution!
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it happens... wii wasn't made for this style gaming, it's a lot of action at once. if you're the host it'll happen more i've noticed. also if my one friend invites me it's guaranteed to freeze, if i invite him its ok. i don't think there is a solution other than getting really pissed when you lose your exp. If any of you nerds figure it out please post!
there is no solution to this problem i'm afraid. if it happens, it happens. just a quick hold on the power button...hm hm hm...power on and back to the mayhem!

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