Wii in Australia thread

Speaking of being a complete rando I just found this pricless quote by none other than nkbswe5 don;t ask how I just did ok:
-Insert quote here-

Well it wasn't over $400 it was exaclty $400 :lol: sorry I'm tired and I can't sleep[/QUOTE]
Wow, someone is quite...random here.

I'm eager to buy Eledees, it has gotten good reviews. And there is now a -edited- wii game but it's in Japan only and will never be released here! I am now sad. Sad...

Also, for anyone who read Nintendo Gamer, its been discontnued. Which is not cool.

Anyway, I was going to say something and now I forgot.

Edit: Hmm...about two-thirds of the last page had nothing to do with Wii...
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Everybody has seen the movie but me :( ...and probabbly someone else. But has anyone played the game hmmm... well I decided finally I would check to see if my local Video Store (Civic for those curious) doesn't stock Wii Games.....nor do they stock PS3...or XBox360....or for that matter any decent Xbox games...there a bit behind in the times
'Tis alright deity, i too have not seen the movie yet :( hopefully sometime this week, but i doubt it with all the work still yet to be done.
Ok I went to Play Asia like Sam told me to and well I've got a cheaper one on offer on Ebay so and instead of saving $18 I save...uhhhh $36 so I think I might go with Ebay on this one Sam. But thanks for the advice anyway :thumbsup:
I have also not been in the seeing of Spider-Man but am seeing it Friday.

Umm..Wii...I bought Super Mario World and it is hard to play with a gamecube control...
WTF its was discontinued that's gay (yes it is literally homosexual) I thoruhgt it was just late to come out :( lucky I didn't subscribe or anything...I need a new magazine to read now :(
hold onto your hats people! I am about to blast you away are you ready for this *funky music* Mario Party 8! yes Mario Party 8 I did not stutter has been dated for Australia!!! Oh yay!

stay tuned(which does not start with a C!) for more Aussie news!
Ok update with me getting Pokemon Diamond well I've decided to go back to Play Asia because I'm guaranteed to get it more or less.... well more so than Ebay, so Sam I thank you for telling me to go to Play Asia, I would rep you but I've done it before and it won't let me do it again I have to: "Spread some rep around" But thanks anyway for the advice you get a thumbs up...again :thumbsup:

Speaking of orderingPokemon, did you get the headset aswell Sam? I'm getting it and I haven't heard any reviews about it yet....I might go look now?
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July for Mario Party 8? What is with July? I am over it. Okay, so, that's like three things that I want that is out in July. 4 things counting holidays.

That's like 70 days. Maybe more, maybe less. Maybe it's more like 65. I haven't worked it out. I just have one of those Harry Potter countdowns (I was forced to put it there!) and that is in July sometime...

I am going to go now...
@Deity no problem I don't care about rep *cough*TLC*cough* no I did not get the headset and don't plan to either I doubt I will need it haven't used voice chat yet anyway
@Ekiushi Yeah I know I'm sick of waiting for games where is my Super Paper Mario not a box-art or even a OFLC rating do they even plan to bring it over!

Oh yeah and there is a new Wii ad out it seems really tacky what do you think