Wii in Australia thread

I quite liked the Spiderman 3 - the movie that is. A lot of people don't - however, hundreds are still flocking to see it, I don't think it's going to do that much damage really.

I'm hoping the Fantastic Four will be good. The Silver Surfer looks great! And I love the Human Torch. He's hot.

Been playing Sonic - I like it. But the controls annoy me. I keep trying to backstep... and accidentally move and end up running forward.
Hey everyone sorry I haven't been posting lately my router has been going crazy and turns out it was our wireless home theater systems we just got but any way. People we now have a new gaming store/site YAY!!

all you quick witted people will notice that this is a new division of EzyDvds ! not that exciting but hey! you pikachu. They have fairly good Wii prices better then average EB and Game/wizards.

So how is everyone there some new sigs yay for change not a very big change I might add:nono: Anyhoo it seems people have been buying some new games what would you recommend because I need a new game quickly suggestion me!
Are you reffering to my new sig which is only a small change to the last one? Cause now it is much better than before!
I want Eledees, but I am doubtful it is even out in Aus yet, I cant find any reports of someone having it yet :(
Hmm I wonder if they will start up a shop like they did with Ezy DVD's.
@Oceanic yeah but it looks cool fabulous*said in gay way* oh yeah Eledees comes out on the 11/05/2007
I sure hope they do open up stores, I need a new job, well not really but you know, I've always wanted to work in a gaming shop.....and use my manipulate peoples opinions so they buy only Nintendo things....hehehe :lol:
:lol: according to vooks Eledees is being released...twice :lol:
Here's a pic of Eledees being released twice:
View attachment WTF Elledees Twice.bmp
Just a complete random comment...it begins.....Mars Free Bars.....I've won so many in the past....and I've already won one so so far:
Mars Bars Brought: 1
Free Mars Bars: 1
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What does Nintendo know about games ! This is like what happened in America except only one person enjoy this comic while I confirmed the release date

I read that it is coming out on the 11th and 10th I would trust the tenth and pop down to the shops on the tenth but if you pre-order on Ezygames you will get free delivery or courier delivery for $2.45*

*Not an advertisement

Edit:im guessing they had two releases one for the Nintendo release date but they other for the official press release
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It's still a bit weird to put up two dates one being in the past and obviously not being the release date.
That crazy Vooks kid you known you can't trust him! Ok I have narrowed down it to between Eledees and Godfather what do you think?
I have the Godfather, if you like GTA games its pretty good. The controls are awesome for the Godfather nothing like slamming some aainst the wall by thrusting the nunchuck and wiimote forward....Eledees from what I've heard pretty much involves picking up things and throwing them around to try and catch monsters that produce electricity....weird. I won't be getting Eleedees I need to save up some money....as well as I'm currently bidding on Ebay for something (Pokemon Diamond if you want to know). So yeah.......

Random Comment two...uhhh green boxes are cool and I'm *goes and check* one rep point away from getting my second...or first...or....I dunno....
Why are you bidding for it one eBay when you get can get it of Play-Asia much easier and fairly cheap. oh yeah you get two boxes after you get 25 points. I'm really considering getting a Wii mod chip because i can get games cheap and earlier cough*Super Paper Mario*cough
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I might just take your advice and go to this Play-Asia althoguh never used it before, meh it shouldnt be to difficult

(Note, I know its 25 points I'm on 24 points)