Wii U graphics 'less powerful than PS3, Xbox 360' - developers


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
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One game maker also says PS3/Vita combo can do everything Wii U can "and more"
Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz under the condition of anonymity, one source said to be familiar with the hardware commented: "No, it's not up to the same level as the PS3 or the 360. The graphics are just not as powerful."

Another developer agreed: "Yeah, that's true. It doesn't produce graphics as well as the PS3 or the 360. There aren't as many shaders, it's not as capable. Sure, some things are better, mostly as a result of it being a more modern design. But overall the Wii U just can't quite keep up."

The article suggests Nintendo has been hampered to a degree by the cost of producing Wii U's tablet controller, meaning it's had to scale back on the capability of the console's GPU, CPU, RAM and other components in order to keep the final retail price low enough.

With its colour LCD touchscreen, the tablet controller is going to be a relatively expensive piece of kit, hence the reason consumers will only get one with each console. Wii U is expected, at least initially, to only support one tablet controller at a time, meaning secondary players will have to use a Wii Remote.

One developer also told GI.biz that they believe the PS3/Vita combo is a stronger alternative to the Wii U with tablet controller. "You can do everything with that combo that you can with the Wii U, and more," they said.

Speaking last month, Darksiders 2 game director Marvin Donald suggested Wii U hardware is "on par" with current generation consoles. "Based on what I understand," he said, "the resolution, textures, polygon counts and all that stuff, we're not going to being doing anything to up-rez the game, but we'll take advantage of the controller for sure."

News from the artical http://www.computerandvideogames.co...s-less-powerful-than-ps3-xbox-360-developers/

TheGUNNShop reports [video=youtube;A5WUHzdqxQU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5WUHzdqxQU&feature=g-all-u&context=G2b14186FAAAAAAAADAA"]Wii U Weaker?[/video]
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PS3 and 360 are less powerful than PC. Nintendo is much wiser than to waste time making something that will quickly fall behind. Their only duty graphically is to make it more powerful than the Wii, which they already have.
Was going to post something about this last night.
Stupid Talktalk internet

The Wii U is less powerful than current gen.


Sorry Nintendo, but this is a major cock up, know I say that power is nothing without being able to use it, but being underpowered when put next to current gen with a horrible gimmicky controller (for player one) you are buggerd as a lot of idiotic masses are blinded by graphics.

I can see the ports already.
Oh wait

Can't say I could care less, this is somewhat disappointing. But TBH, I'm much more concerned about the WiiU's price being low; and I'm sure the masses of gamers that aren't blatant Ninty haters share similar thoughts.

That, and as always, software > hardware.

a lot of idiotic masses are blinded by graphics.

Those poor fools...
I personally feel like this is such a troll article for several reasons. For starters, the game developers have stated numerous times that the wiiU development kits ARE indeed stronger than the 360 and ps3, and they were apperantly running only at 10% capacity. (which I think is just pure exaggeration since that last bit came from nintendo.) Also, the quote just sounds so, so, bleeeehhh; seriously, it sounds like a 15 year old gave them that quote, there is not one bit of professionalism in that quote. It just seems too iffy and too much like fanboy bait.

Personally, I trust the experience of the developers using the dev kits more than some random guy(troll) on the internet.
Sony and Xbox owners have no right to be graphic whores when they themselves have 6 year old consoles. Hell, I use my gaming PC mostly for a game from '07.
The graphics are still good, I could care less if Sony/Microsoft have better looking games.
True, but today's gamers cannot comprehend that. So unless Ninty keeps the casual crowd, they will have trouble.
If this does end up being true, Nintendo are in for a rude awakening; a gimmick can only sell for so long (ask the wiimote). How could they possibly put out a console that will be 7 years ahead of the xbox 230 and 6 years ahead of the ps3 and STILL have less horsepower?! That's actually unbelievable. I can understand the the WiiU have less horsepower than whatever Sony and MSoft put out as their next gen, but you cannot put out a console that is LESS powerful than last generation consoles and expect to prosper simply because of a special controller.
The Wii was also behind when it released. It's just a matter of ensuring the people who bought a Wii to remain in Nintendo's grasp for their success.
If this does end up being true, Nintendo are in for a rude awakening; a gimmick can only sell for so long (ask the wiimote). How could they possibly put out a console that will be 7 years ahead of the xbox 230 and 6 years ahead of the ps3 and STILL have less horsepower?! That's actually unbelievable. I can understand the the WiiU have less horsepower than whatever Sony and MSoft put out as their next gen, but you cannot put out a console that is LESS powerful than last generation consoles and expect to prosper simply because of a special controller.

Why not? Even if this does turn out to be true, which I am skeptical about since many developers (who did not choose to remain anonymous - another red flag) have already come forward and said that WiiU is in fact more powerful, I don't think it really matters anyway. Do you think the huge market of casual gamers bought the Wii because Wii Sports has good graphics?
Wii sports came with it.
Only thing I hate about it is its controller, have said why in other threads.
Sony siad they can do the same thing with the Vita/PS3
Wii sports came with it.
Only thing I hate about it is its controller, have said why in other threads.
Sony siad they can do the same thing with the Vita/PS3

It remains to be seen whether or not that's actually true. Also it's not just a matter of can they do the same things, but will they.

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