Wii Updates

LevesqueIsKing said:
Also, on ds games when can you voicechat? Before, During and after the game, or only at certain times? This could give us a clue.

It depends on the game. With Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and Planet Puzzle League, I believe you can chat the whole time. With Metroid Prime Hunters it's only between matches.
I would love if a voice chat was added to the wii. My cousin and I play Mario Strikers online all the time but its kinda weird not being able to talk to him during the game...without voice it almost seems like your playing the A/I.
If voice doesn't come around, I imagine someone will find a way to fill the void in some way. I could see some sort of computer based chat system that allows you to chat with other players. There are a number of software based voice chat systems available for computers already but it'd take some real finesse to find a way to tie things together so that you are able to automatically chat with those you're playing against.
Only being able to chat between games would hardly help imo. Perhaps I am greedy...
not at all! the whole point of voice chat, surely, would be to communicate without putting down your controller in the middle of a game...if you could only chat in between games then they might as well only let you type...of course it would depend on the game to how useful and necessary it would be to chat during a game, it would be fun whatever game like, but maybe not entirely necessary
^Trust me, I would be yelling PWND!!!! no matter what the game is :lol:
would it be a bluetooth mic then as the nunchuck would be taking up the remote connection during gameplay right?!
hmmmm..? my wii disk drive always turned blue when i inserted/took out a disk. even befor ethe update
zappyisfun said:
hmmmm..? my wii disk drive always turned blue when i inserted/took out a disk. even befor ethe update

So did mine but the difference is it just used to flash... Now it lights up for longer and fades on and then back off again!
Before the update, if your Wii was off and you inserted a disk, the blue light would blink, but if you inserted/ejected a disk while the Wii was on, the blue light would not light up for a few seconds.
Can someone explain this update to me, I didn't get the message so i cant read up on it I used the wii settings


Something about Metriod Prime 3 Demo?
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