Wiichat Mario Strikers Charged Tournament


No.1 Smurf
Dec 5, 2006
Wii Online Code
Mario Strikers Mini Site

After Lee.Jarratt made his thread he decided to pass the baton onto me so here it is... There are certain rules everyone must follow but they'll be explained. For now welcome to the Official Wiichat Mario Strikers Charged Tournament
Please Note: No Prize(s) will be given out to the winner, It is purely for entertainment purposes

Ok This Is How It Will Work:
- Updates are in blue so you know whats going on
- You will:

* Check the update to see who you are versing
* The person who is in red on the tournament sheet [See below] will have first pick of their captain
* After arranging your time and date for the match you must both PM me to tell me the time and date in which you will play. The PM must be layed out as followed: [Player] Vs [Player] are playing on [Time & date]
* After your match you must then both PM me again telling me the score and who won, If there is a draw you will obviously play again straight after it and tell me the Winning score
* I will then [After getting all results] post an update to the tournament sheet so you can all see who is through and who is not...
* The final, I request should be filmed by at least one player so we can see who won..
Match Rules For EVERY Game:
Diffuculty: 5 [For keepers]
Out of [X] Matches: 5
Time Limit Per Match: 5 Minutes

Stadium: Should be agreed by players before match.

Original Tournament Entries

Wii_Smurf, Lee.Jarratt, rishi 20, E7ernal, javjaoll, Byuakuya, Cpt.McCloud, wii_cammy, +Maniacal=Maniac+, wii2k7, 2891tony, TwilightWarrior, Wii_BrEnDo2007, Celestial, brainiac, dazz159, Jay61, Griever, surfinrach90, lilsam, Dudey, SamuS, zuriku, minimemoon, statue12, Wii Ron, CloudSurfer, Funky Gibbon, Kris Bulldog Strikers, GMaster1000, gamer24 west, StealthSoul

Current Replacements - Not Been Used As Of Yet [Only For First Round]

Please keep in mind:
Do not be immature and tell lies about score lines or times and dates, Should a match be cancelled you will have to inform me and re-schedule the match...

Hope that makes sense to everyone.
Please don't post un-needed posts on this thread otherwise I will have them removed probably by Loose....

- Wii_Smurf, Lee.Jarratt & Rishi 20 [Idea for the Tournament lie with those two]
This Tournament Is Sponsored By Cillit Bang© Bang! And The Dirt Is Gone

UPDATE!: The first round matches will be played between Friday 1st June - Thursday 21st June

UPDATE!: The second round matches will be played between Monday 25th June - Monday 2nd July

UPDATE!: The thrid round matches will be played between Tuesday 3rd July - Tuesday 17th July

UPDATE!: The fourth round matches will be played between Wednesday 18th July - Wednesday 1st August

UPDATE!: The fifth round matches will be played between Thursday 2nd August - Thursday 16th August

UPDATE!: The final is yet to be decided

** Dates Of Matches Could Be Changed If Played Quick Enough **

Players Strikers Codes: [PM ME TO ADD YOURS]
Wii_Smurf - 395237 641118
Lee.Jarratt - 030165 415283
Celestial - 532676 523770
Dazz159 - 047345 289056
javjaoll - 412417 474738
Byuakuya - 494021 905669
E7ernal - 017280 524282
Koncept - 004395 600122
Jay61 - 073115 099086
Dudey - 094589 937826
Wii Ron - 485431 993526
Wii_BrEnDo2007 - 184784 377354
Griever - 459662 179038
Gamer24west - 425302 865550
Kris Bulldog Strikers - 043050 346507
Funky Gibbon - 292158 66917

Tournament Sheet: Drawn At Random


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The time Zone wont matter as The game will be released into england and america has to wait.

I doubt japanese people will enter.

I'm gonna try to get the game as soon as possible tho:D

I'd love to help out with the tournement if youa nd lee need any help.
ben and lee, notify me of any changes to this thread- keep me up to date on double posts, inaccurate information, spam ect.

this way it will be nice and neat
The_Loose_Cannon said:
ben and lee, notify me of any changes to this thread- keep me up to date on double posts, inaccurate information, spam ect.

this way it will be nice and neat

I sure will, thanks for helping us out :)
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Just to tell everyone. There will be NO prizes for this tournament,
Also to make the tournament smooth the amount of players entered have to be in a power of 4 so:

We currently have 8, It would be good to get 16 or possibly 32
How about rep for a prize, and a siggy or avvy?
lee.jarratt said:
Yea but who will volunteer to do them?

I'l volunteer to do the rep:D

Possibly the sig:D
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I don't think Reputation is much of a prize. If there is going to be one it's better off as a signature. Anyone want to make it be my guest and PM me or Lee it when your done....
Something Mario Football related :)
So I take it this is going to be 1 on 1?

later on in the year maybe we can get a couples tourney and do 2 on 2. Once we see how everyone performs in this one we can all pick a team mate.
tank said:
So I take it this is going to be 1 on 1?

later on in the year maybe we can get a couples tourney and do 2 on 2. Once we see how everyone performs in this one we can all pick a team mate.

Good Idea.

You just totally ruined our little groove. . .:mad:

everyone who posted here had 3 or more rep blocks but then you came and ruined it:lol:

Good idea, but we will need to get anough people to enter?

Maybe the top four from this tourny can do a 2 v 2?
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Yeah it is 1 on 1....

I'd prefer to get about 16 or 32 players
Remember any number between 16 and 32 won't do. And it won't be equal.....

2 on 2 seems like fun, Maybe if this one is successful
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It says on the Opening Post that I will be doing the draw on May 30th, The tournament will start the day after.

So you get:

- 5 days to train
- Announcement of your opponant
- You get until June 15 to play your match so anytime until your match is training.

Be sure to stick around for the update on the 30th... :)
I'll draw the table round about then

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