Wiikly update for August 20 (US)

Robotnik said:
I had Revenge of Shinobi which was wicked fun, although very tough. How does Shinobi 3 stack up to it?
Its the same type of game (durr)
The only real diffrence is the levels (well it is the sequal)
And that horse back stage

Instead of wasteing money on one Sega VC game get the Genisis collection for PS2/PSP(Dont know how much it is in the US but its only £15 over here)

When are they going to throw us SNES RPG fans a bone? :(

Beath of fire 2 anybody ?
Also Shining force is a good one that will take a while to do
Soon the US will get Breath of Fire 2.

Fact: The person who voice acted Samus Aran in Super Metriod was... Dan Owsen. One of the lead translators for Nintendo. They tweaked his voice to sound female. I think they did that as a joke.
hey thanks. I'll have to take a look at that for ps2. Although the conveniance of VC does tend to trump all else. But i'll definetly give it a looksie
sagema said:
Soon the US will get Breath of Fire 2.

Fact: The person who voice acted Samus Aran in Super Metriod was... Dan Owsen. One of the lead translators for Nintendo. They tweaked his voice to sound female. I think they did that as a joke.

What are you talking about ? Samus never talked in super metroid. The intro had her face and then typing in front of it. The only voice in super metroid was the "The last metroid is in captivity, the galaxy is at peace" and that wasn't samus aran saying that. Are you saying that female voice was actually a man?
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jesse1596 said:
What are you talking about ? Samus never talked in super metroid. The intro had her face and then typing in front of it. The only voice in super metroid was the "The last metroid is in captivity, the galaxy is at peace" and that wasn't samus aran saying that. Are you saying that female voice was actually a man?

That is, in fact, exactly what he is saying.
I hope we get Super Metroid soon! It's the VC game I want most.

Robotnik said:
I had Revenge of Shinobi which was wicked fun, although very tough. How does Shinobi 3 stack up to it?

Personally I thought Shinobi III was better. I like the faster pace of the game.

Robotnik said:
hey thanks. I'll have to take a look at that for ps2. Although the conveniance of VC does tend to trump all else. But i'll definetly give it a looksie

£15 for 27 games (most of them decent or better) is not to be sniffed at. I'd recommend going for it.
Napalmbrain said:
£15 for 27 games (most of them decent or better) is not to be sniffed at. I'd recommend going for it.

Dont forget
Most are on the VC (gain ground - Damn good game, comix zone, sonic and 2, Ristar, altered beast and the arcade version) the only ones that arnt are any of the Shining games Streets of rage (they might be on a different one) gunstar heros, dynamite heady (both out on a treasure collection) I might be missing some but there are the ones that jump up into my brain at the mow.
She talks in the SNES version at the very begining. Did Nintendo remove it from the VC version? The only reason I know this is Dan Owsen mentions it, and I've played Metriod on my SNES at least a dozen times.
Beath of fire 2 anybody ?
Also Shining force is a good one that will take a while to do

Somebody knows a good game that should come out on VC Shining force was awesome I had it on sega and the lamer version for GBA. This would be one of the few VC games I would buy

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