Will The Wii Outlive Both the PS3 and 360?


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Despite being light years behind the PS3 and Xbox 360 in terms of technical and graphical capabilities, the Wii is outselling both of them at a preposterous rate each month. Which begs the question: Will the Wii actually outlive its superior rivals?

The Nintendo Wii isn’t really in the same fight as the PS3 and Xbox 360, it’s on a totally different plain of existence. Whether you think its ahead or behind its rivals though is down to personal perspective, and what you value most in a games console.

What is clear however, is that the Wii is outselling both the Sony and Microsoft machines by far each month, and it has got a much broader range of players into it than any console ever made before. And these facts could lead to the Wii outliving both the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Nintendic, a Nintendo supporting website (in case you hadn’t worked that one out from the name) has recently published an article stating their case why the Wii could outlive the PS3 and Xbox 360. Okay, they were bound to say that, but even I, as a neutral (despite what some of the comments here on BLORGE may tell you) found an interesting read, and a quite convincing argument.

Jonathan Schlaffer, our resident Wii hater didn’t find the article quite so convincing, commenting:

“Please God no. It’s a novelty, it’ll wind up collecting dust in a closet while the Xbox 360 and PS3 with their WiFi and Blu-Ray support soldier on. The Wii is nothing more than a child’s toy.”

The bottom line is that technology isn’t always the be all and end all. There are numerous instances down the years of superior products failing to connect with consumers the same way alternative, but inferior, products have done, and the Wii seems right now to be another one to add to the list.

I know from my own experience how the Wii has made its way from pure games machine to the mainstream. My brother, who has never expressed an interest in video gaming, has recently bought a Wii, and was willing to pay over the odds for it too. He’s told me that he’s already spent many an hour playing Wii Sports, and enjoyed it thoroughly. This is a man who last year wouldn’t even play Guitar Hero.

The point is that no matter how powerful a games console is, and the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 are certainly very powerful, if they don’t break out and entice non-gamers in, then the Wii has this next gen battle sewn up.

Yes, Nintendo will probably announce the Wii 2 in a few years time, but in the same way the PS2 is continuing to serve many gamers well, the original Wii could carry on providing fun for millions of people many years from now.

Sony and Microsoft can talk bits, frame rates, high definition gaming, and photo-realistic visuals all they want, but meanwhile, the Wii, with its simple graphics, intuitive controller, and pure fun gaming will continue to dominate at the top of the hardware sales charts.


"Jonathan Schlaffer, our resident Wii hater didn’t find the article quite so convincing, commenting:

“Please God no. It’s a novelty, it’ll wind up collecting dust in a closet while the Xbox 360 and PS3 with their WiFi and Blu-Ray support soldier on. The Wii is nothing more than a child’s toy.”

Sorry to say I like me wii but I can see this being true....
sadly there are many who do just let it sit there and collect dust, while they go play they're ps3 or 360.

The main complaints are comming from the gamers that look forward to the big 3rd party titles, Yet have a Wii and stuck without the best 3rd party support.

When it comes to Nintendo the 1st party games seem to be more than enough to satisfy the Nintendo fan, casual gamer, and the new commers.

If you feel like your stuck with a Wii and really really need COD4 or RE:5 to go on then im affriad you made the wrong call in a console. Not that this is Nintendos fault, it's 3rd party fault and there view twards the Wii so far.
But if the "top 3rd party" games start making it to the Wii it would probably be the straw that breaks the camels back for the other consoles.

Each console has a set number of die hard fans that buy them. I promise you that number already has them or thouse people are kidding themself how die hard they are..lol So now these consoles rely on advertising,the word of mouth of the fans, popularity of new games "including making them exclusive", there own inovation to the console to continue to sell. If you start picking away any aspect of this from any console to take somewhere else they will hurt.

If they poped out a HD Wii with motion controlls and the best 3rd party support. This would probbaly be the last year you heard from Sony or Microsoft for game consoles. The Video Game market always seems to balance itself out, it takes dramatic inovation and uniqueness from every corner in order to stay alive "keep and eye on PS/Xbox if they stay too much a like one will die out" Even if the Wii does outsell and outlive the 360/PS3 it doesn't mean they did a bad job they just stuck with what there fans wanted. In the end that just ment having less fans. Nintendo has always had a "everyones welcome" pass towards gaming. It's not much of a suprise when Nintendo makes a hit console it sells great amongst newcomers and the casual.
Personally my 360 has outlived my Wii. I'm guessing in the next few years the 360 and ps3 will even out on sales with the Wii.
l think lt will still be a strong contender, cause you never know what nintendo has up its sleeve, sales of the wii still going strong as well as cool new games coming out every now and then. I think mario kart wii will be a huge hit because of the online capability. Who knows, lt all started with nintendo so l think they will capitalize on their name and the fact that the system ls still getting sold out in certain places.
It's not like its going to go away! :lol: :lol:

It will last as long as the other consoles this gen. Now is it going to have the same long life as the PS2? Thats hard to tell. Really the PS2 Lived so long because you get pretty much an identical game experience, including alot of the games, as to the new systems "360/PS3" minus a few extras of course like the better online support and HD. But for people without HD or broadband service this is a perfect budget console. And for Sony it was a Nice way to keep the very large audience "120 million" happy while they search for a new console.

The Wii is a inovative console its not an upgraded console like most that keep the same controller and gameplay which use just improved graphics and a new story.
With the Wii you change every game and how you can play it ,even if its a sequal, simply by changing the user interface. Will this last forever? Who knows, I think that will mainly depend on how inovative the consoles are Next generation. Obviously its the most popular system this gen and its sales are great including its games. But if it last "forever" will depend on what they come out with next for consoles and how far the envelope is pushed again.
I believe its true. The Wii can't compare to the ps3/360,I sold mine,just a few weeks ago, all I need is my ps3 and 360 and I am good. Plus with my age group the Wii gets a bit boring. Still a good system,but will never match the other two.
Sovieto said:
sadly there are many who do just let it sit there and collect dust, while they go play they're ps3 or 360.


Oh wait, I have Brawl and Galaxy. :lol:
The Wii is already outliving the 360 and PS3. Both consoles have released different SKUs. I think the 360 has at least 3 different versions, that's not counting the new ones with the new processors. The PS3 has gone through 4 different SKUs(20, 40, 60, 80gb). The Wii is still the Wii. No extra hard drive addition, no changes to the processor. I heard they are launching a 360 that plays Blue Ray later this year.
Everyone has a different opinion. Time will tell. All I know is that a couple years down the road my Wii will still be a blast to play multiplayer with my friends and my friends Ps3 will just be a PS4 with crappier graphics. Wii is something new and different, I applaud nintendo for breaking the mold and not just throwing another console out with a better video card. It's something new, fresh, and fun. At least they contributed to the video game history books. God knows they had some dismal failures while trying <cough> power glove <cough> lol.
The PS3 is supposedly lasting 10 years according to Sony. Whether this will happen or not is beyond me.
Nintendo isn't my kind of company. I honestly cannot play through another zelda game. I don't care how good it is, i'm sick of entering the same dungeon, getting the same bow, saving the same princess over and over. The only thing that brought me to the wii was the fact that it's good entertainment when you have company. I have not bought a single game on my wii except SSBB and i've owned it for about a year. I've rented games and got relatively uninterested fast.

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