Wind Waker

When I bought it the day it was released, my eyes were sore for the first ten minutes, but after that I felt disconcerted playing regular style games for a while.
I'm just asking something about the game. I was watching a video on the game, and the main character had on a blue shirt and cool pants. I was wondering how to get those, because I hate the green style clothes.
Well isn't that the clothes he started with? I don't think you can get them.

LOVED THE GAME. Although I hope Tingle float away to hell. Didn't really like the sailing and the wind waker(Thought the Ocarina was much better). Also the original Zelda owns all.
No he definatley starts with green because that's what his grandmother gives to him for his birthday. I just want to know how to change out of them with different clothes.
They are indeed the clothes you start the game in. He gets changed straight away though. However, if you complete the game the next time you start a new game Link will wear the blue shirt throughout the game.
well that sort of stinks, I don't want to beat the game to just wear the clothes.
Netman said:
What did everyone think of this game?
I liked it a lot I thought that it was an awsome game. I loved the gameplay and it ran really good the only part I did not like was that you had to sail everywhere it took so long to get from place to place.

The game was awsome really enjoyable and had a innovative graphics style which after much debate made the game that extra special feel and really worked well in the game however the sailing was annoying as was the easy boss batlles which were simple to work out what to do but it was a excellent game
you notice that when nintendo makes a cel shaded game a bunch of other developers make cel shaded games. I'm starting to think that other companies really do copy nintendo
I personally loved the graphics but thought the game was good but compared to ocerina of time and majora's mask on N64 the difficulty was dissapointing but the gameplay was just as good
Supermariomp3 said:
you notice that when nintendo makes a cel shaded game a bunch of other developers make cel shaded games. I'm starting to think that other companies really do copy nintendo

Errr... there were plenty of cel-shaded games out before Wind Waker which weren't made by Nintendo, for example: Jet Set Radio, Jet Set Radio Future, Fear Effect, Cel Damage and Sly Cooper.