

nkbswe5. RLY!
Jun 27, 2006
Not in America
Wii Online Code
Sounds wonderful...wish I had wireless broadband 0-0

Does anyone know how far the USB adapter can transmit to the Wii? Because I dont have a TV next to my computer...also, I hope any extra things you can get with Wii on standby mode free you can get seprately because i dont eave internet on all night.

Anyway, random Wii Internet chat
the DS's wifi could go up to 30 feet and through walls. i dont know if the wii can go further than that. the "always online" stuff the wii gets are going to be demos (that i know of). i wouldnt expect you would be able to get them all night
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I only have my internet on a couple of hours a day, maybe if they made a Wii magazine that had times to have ur Wii on :p that would be cool. 30 feet...lol Im a silly Aussie (goes looking for feet to metre generator)
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  • #5
lol, thanks...I think thats sounds about right, I hope it doesnt use heaps of download though :p Is there anywhere (like a site) that talks about Connect24 or anything? I haven't seen many articles
nkbswe5 said:
I only have my internet on a couple of hours a day, maybe if they made a Wii magazine that had times to have ur Wii on :p that would be cool. 30 feet...lol Im a silly Aussie (goes looking for feet to metre generator)
Wait a sec, on only a couple hours a day??? Do you have dialup, because dialup is all but worthless for gaming.
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No, I have broadband but it can be turned off. You push a button and intenet on, push button, internet off...or is that not normal...<--I is n00b
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  • #13
Wii will use controversial (non-friendly) friend-code system for online play

How long are you guys on anyway?
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  • #15
And personally I don't like friend codes.

Same, I like the fact I can vs strangers. It would be 'hip'. I'll be on forums for maybe another hour or so?

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