Worst Day of my Life! - March 9th

link1305 said:
If that's the worst day of your life then...well....you're not doing too bad. :lol:
My thoughts exactly.
If it makes anyone feel better, I just picked up my copy the ****ing disc won't read. So I have to find a box to ship this piece of **** all the way to Nintendo.

And it's Sunday, so I can't ship anything today.
That's why I despised the mid night relesase. There was no store opened in my area on that day due to a massive snow storm. I was able to pick it up the next day just barely. Gamestop's store hours are sh!t! Who the f@ck opens a game store 6 hours on Sunday?! Gamestop does. F them. I still got the game, but they are wearing on my patience. Stores like FYE in the local mall are open 12 hours on Sunday, and they sell games too!
So sad I went to Circuit City to exchange my PSP since it had a head pixel. and they had Brawl and I had no Idea. So they had a few extra copies and I bought one and walked out the store new psp in hand and SSBB to go play later.
At least you get the freakin' game. I still am not sure when I am going to get it. By the time I do, the rest of the world will have already finished it!! :mad5:
Need temporal displacement field now.

Think of yourself as being better off than some.
I pre-orderd it, but it wouldnt arrive untill 2 days after release. I couldt wait so I went and bought it from GameStop. I expected them to be sold out, but they had about 32 copies. So I bought it and went home and beat the crap out of my brother. I would litterally cry if I was in your position...
Go to Gamestop Saturday night at 10pm for the midnight release of the game.

Pay for game ahead of time to save trouble later.

Get kicked out of the store, do to fire codes and crowding, at 10:30.

Stand out in the cold for an hour and a half.

Finally get game.

Get home. Realize that due to daylight savings time it's now technically 2am.

Play anyway, until exhausted.


Wake up, cough until you vomit, then cough up a green lump.

Realize that overnight you have developed Bronchitis verging on Pneumonia.

Spend the next four days curled in a ball of pain under a blanket, lacking the motor control to actually hold a game controller, coughing up lumps of unnatural crud. Interspersed with bouts of Diarrhea.
TiwazTyrsfist said:
Go to Gamestop Saturday night at 10pm for the midnight release of the game.

Pay for game ahead of time to save trouble later.

Get kicked out of the store, do to fire codes and crowding, at 10:30.

Stand out in the cold for an hour and a half.

Finally get game.

Get home. Realize that due to daylight savings time it's now technically 2am.

Play anyway, until exhausted.


Wake up, cough until you vomit, then cough up a green lump.

Realize that overnight you have developed Bronchitis verging on Pneumonia.

Spend the next four days curled in a ball of pain under a blanket, lacking the motor control to actually hold a game controller, coughing up lumps of unnatural crud. Interspersed with bouts of Diarrhea.

Wait, what?

But yeah, you shouldn't be worried that you won't be able to get the game. I got Brawl the first day it came out and I didn't even pre-order/wait in midnight line. It was pretty easy.

Me: Do you have Brawl?
GameStop employee: lol yeah
Me: k, cool

That easy.