Worst Review Ever


Go Win a Darwin Award
Sep 25, 2007
Wii Online Code
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

SSBB should stand for "Super Stupid Boring Brawl"
by Holz55

This Review's Trust Rating: +3 -52
March 1, 2008 - So I played this game for about 3 hours when i realized that it was exactly the same as melee game for gamecube. except that it had slightly worse grafix than the one for 64 but thats not teh worst. It barely even ran on my modded xbox360 that i switched the button that made it run on netindo wii games. I am super smashing mad that they aren't bringing back Sonic from melee, he was my favorite char on the gamecube in Feb 2003. The gameplay was nothing like the other ones, it was just the same as the others.

Reader's Ratings for Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide

6.0 Presentation
It was ok, but would have been better if they used Microsoft PowerPoint
6.4 Graphics
Because 6.4 x 10 = 64, and the graf-x look like Nintendo 64.
8.0 Sound
Pretty good, but I was disappointed AFI didn't make an appearance.
7.0 Gameplay
Just like the other games. It didn't really keep with the same gameplay styles.
6.0 Lasting Appeal
No internet connection because I don't have xbox live :(
(out of 10 / not an average)

I'm pretty sure this is a joke but if it isn't it's pretty sad

Source: http://rr.wii.ign.com/rrview/wii/super_smash_bros_brawl/748545/81847/
Wow...that has to be a joke. If not, that kid (assuming) really makes himself look like an idiot.
It's kinda funny, but obviously fake, yeah someone might be able to Mod an Xbox to play Wii games but if they're smart enough to do anything like that, they're not stupid enough to write a review like this.
Yeah, either this is a joke, or that guy is on crack.

"Graphics slightly worse than the 64." Playing the wrong game?

"It barely even ran on my modded xbox360 that i switched the button that made it run on netindo wii games." Get a Wii, dumbass.

"The gameplay was nothing like the other ones, it was just the same as the others." That doesn't even make sense.

Yeah, this guy also needs to learn ENGLIF!
Dumbass_Luigi said:
Didn't catch that......Yeah, this kid is definitely lying or playing the wrong game.
That, or he's just stupid. What he said made no sense at all, he used improper grammar, and even mispelled Nintendo, and he said "It was different from the others but still the same"? What the heck? This guy was clearly out of his right mind.