Your Most Memorable Video Game(s)

Sonic adventure for me it made think:
"wow, I love sonic and i always will!"
Mario 64 it was the first real mario game i ever played and mario and sonic are my two fav platformers and i just love both of them, so yeah
long live the two mascots!
My most memorable game would be the 7-Up cool spot game. I remember going to my babysitters and that being the only thing i wanted to play on the snes. Well that and some other Aladdin game.
super mario 3. when i first got it when it came out, me and my dad played it and were stunned by the graphics! lol
Total Annihilation, LAN parties when I was 12!!!! great scale and innovative shortcuts now taken for granted in every rts made since. for consoles, goldeneye, and for handhelds, warioland #1. (not lying WWL2P)
Phenix wight
Hukto no ken/fighting mania/fist of the north star arcade (use your fists to win)

I think you will have to expand on memorable
Most of us remember most the games we play
CHRONO TRIGGER: My most memorable and favorite RPG in the SNES and then later revived in the PS. The story was awesome and the "double techs" and "triple techs" were great. Big fan of Frog and not Magus. Everybody likes the bad guy!

If you're a CT fan, do you agree that they should make an Anime movie or Anime mini-series of the game? I think so!!!
Prince of Persia - The characters moved so realisticly in this game it was amazing. A lot of fun in this one.

Super Mario Bros. 2 - I loved and still love this game. It was one of the first I've ever played and it has everything I want from a platformer.

Super Mario Bros. 3 - Probably the best platforming game I've ever played and platformers are my favorite type of game so I had to include this one. Great cartoony and psychodelic graphics.

Super Mario 64 - I'm lazy so I'll just say I love this game, nuff' said.

Um Jammer Lammy - This was one of the first games to truelly make me laugh and I love it because of that. It also had probably some of the best game music I've ever listened to combined with a very cartoonishly wicked papery style graphics, which surprisingly made the game look good due to the Ps1's limitations.

Jet Grind Radio - Almost every song in this game was just perfect for the style of the game, it had wesome skating, awesome cell shaded graphics, and a lot of fun missions to go on. I got this game because I thought it really looked cool without even really investigating it much, kind of like gamer's intuition, and god am I glad I didn't have second thoughts! This game was really refreshing and brought me to love games even more.

Myst - One of the first games that actually had a world that felt real...and sometimes frightenly lonely at times. When I played this I didn't feel like I was playing a game. I was blown away at the time.
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Sovieto said:
i had that for the n64!

my most memorble game: Conker's Bad Fur Day
you had permission to play that game, it was rated M... or are u like 30?
srry im confused... wait was that your first game...uh AHH!
Hybrid said:
you had permission to play that game, it was rated M... or are u like 30?
srry im confused... wait was that your first game...uh AHH!
It was my most memorable, I'm 14.. I could play what I wanted to, they're just video games.