100 Ways to kill a chicken

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  • #64
bln_f said:
feed it a couple hundred chocolate bars

stab it

Your thinking of dogs.
Tie a string on its foot and the other end onto one of those giant Wind miil power generator things. Then shoot at it with the Wii Zapper while have George Bush read a book. Then the terrorists will attack and nuke the wind mill causeing all power to be gone, The chicken won't be able to play its Wii and die

P.S. Who noticed the Turkey sirvived the Nuke.
(Also no offense to any people affected by 9/11, That was a horrible day)
make the chicken post in the rate the user above you thread. The poor ratings that are given even kill me.
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  • #70
TortillaChip520 said:
make the chicken read this thread

Finally Chip is in. I should send this thread to PETA.
PETA is radical people. I got it! Send the chicken to PETA where all the members will love it to death.
I've got a friend that would hate this thread. He's a massive chicken lover. Anyway, not sure if this has been said before but send it hunting with Dick Cheney. (not sure if I spelled his last name correctly)
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  • #73
wizkid0111 said:
I've got a friend that would hate this thread. He's a massive chicken lover. Anyway, not sure if this has been said before but send it hunting with Dick Cheney. (not sure if I spelled his last name correctly)

Congrats, you just made the list. And also "Chicken Lover" ? That sounds nasty.
wamoo said:
And also "Chicken Lover" ? That sounds nasty.
Not like that. How about he hates the thought of killing chickens?

Here's another.
Send it over to India where it will be free to roam wherever and whenever it wants but then some stupid American tourists hits it when it walks across the road from the airport, killing it instantly. Then the tourists go grab it off the road and they take it to a processing plant where the plant turns the chicken into blood meal and bone meal to feed to other chickens but it turns out that the chicken had bird flu and infects the other chickens causing them to go crazy and destroy mankind. Then, after mankind is destroyed they start eating each other. "Yum, taste like chicken," then becomes a common saying amongst the chicken. Later, it turns out the the tourists who had killed the first chicken were still alive. The tourists then just sit back and relax, knowing that they are the last humans on the planet.

I'm assuming you know what blood meal and bone meal are. If not, just look at the name.
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