2 truths and a lie

You're not 15, you're 34.

I am Foxy
I am Cpt.McLoud
I am Fox

Which one is a lie
"You like to read" is the lie.

I am skinny.
I play on all 3 systems (Wii, PS3, 360).
I hate yogurt.

Which is a lie?
I think you're confused... or I'm confused...

You said "I play on all 3 systems" was a lie, which is right. I hate yogurt. :p

Might as well go with the game now:

I have 4 TVs in my house.
I like Cheez-its.
I prefer the game [PROTOTYPE] over inFAMOUS.
you dont like Cheez-it's ;]

i skate
i like pie
Im learning how 2 play guitar
You aren't learning guitar... I think.

I'm 15.
I'm a troper.
I'm utterly infatuated with many anime characters.