are there many defected wii?


WiiChat Member
Dec 17, 2006
I heard that more than 50% of the xbox360 were defected when they were launched. MS denied it and said it was the terrorist that sneaked into MS factory and put bombs in each every xbox360 but I believe that's jut BS.

anyway I was wondering if the terrorists do the same thing for wii.
I still don't have wii yet mainly because it's all sold out but I am also worrying about the first version of the system.

I also remember that that gamecube came out with component cable slots but then they removed it and the system was downgraded into crappy ass system.
Method of Rhythm said:
What are you doing on studentdoctor dental forums?

Are you stuying to be a dentist?

I dunno if you were talking to him or me, but yes I am a pre-dental student.