Awful Gamespot review

I never expected Red Steel to get such a low score. I guess it could be rubbish, but we should probably wait for more reviews. So far I'm still planning on getting it (preordered it recently off along with Zelda).
Bah I already have red steel. And i'm still gonna play it. Launch titles are usually crap compared to games 6 months-1 year later(besides Zelda of course). The guys at IGN said it has its faults but "We encourage you to buy it"(Matt).
MetroidZ said:
Heres a petition I saw (on gamespot) If your unhappy with the review, just sign the petition: Legend Of Zelda: The Twilight Princess Gamespot Review Petition

<sigh>, that has got to be one of the most asinine things I've yet seen. Their review, by people WHO HAVE ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME is different from others opinions so they're wrong and should retract it??? Here's a thought: maybe take ALL reviews with a grain of salt and learn to think for yourself. I don't see too many people taking the 100% reviewer to task. 100% basically says that the game could not have been any better which is complete hogwash. ALL games can be made better.

I always read a few reviews of games before getting them just to see how others feel. And I specifically look for the very high and low reviews, to see what the deviation is and why. Then THINK. Blasting someone's elses opinion because it's different or simply not what you were hoping is pointless.
Lapidarist said:
ALL games can be made better.
That's true, but games should be rated for how good they are, not how good they could be. If reviewers reviewed games with the perspective that, "it could be a lot better", then every game would just get a 5. There would be no point in having a rating system at all.
Look, I always go by IGNs reviews, and they seem quite keen with RED STEEL, except ultimately the controllers ruin the experience. Apart from the control issue, they seemed rather impressed with the game as a whole, and I think if you just try it out and attempt to get used to the slow turning rate (this is really the only complaint) or pray that Ubisoft brings out a firmware update, then you will be hapy you made your purchase, if not sell it on ebay, or return it to the shop you purchased it from for one of the many other great Wii titles...
Reviewers give their opinion, to help influence our purchases, but it is us who make the final decision, and really, they too are human, they can find faults and can have problems with a system that doesnt HAVE to apply to us, its just their opinion, and they are throwing it out there.
I have no doubt the aiming isnt quite as smooth as a keyboard/mouse setup, but learning is all part of the fun and I personally cant wait to have a try.