Benefits to Wii Wireless


WiiChat Member
Jan 8, 2011

Just wondering if someone could tell me the benefits of connecting WII to wireless? Also what are these friend codes?
I bought WII several months ago, but am just connecting to it.

Thanks in advance!
Online Gaming (On WiFi marked games.)
System Actualizations
Downloads of classic and new games (With cost)
Browse the Internet
And so on.

In gaming the friend codes allow you to play a WiFi game with a friend if both of you exchange them, as for the Wii system code you can exchange them with friends to chat trough the Wii, and register friends to newer WiFi games (like GH WoR)

But all that I just wrote is pretty obvious if you ask me.
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Benefits to Wireless Wii

Thank you for the information.

It may be wireless to those who have used it, but those who never have...well it is not.