Bizarre Idea


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Subliminal advertising
instead of words wiith wi make it wii try it on all forums
like this :
I wiill not be getting a hit wiith that thing
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  • #3
I think its a wiinderfull idea
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  • #5
yeah its made of wiin
There's a girl a rwiilly wiiant to call, but I don't have the wiill power.
Wiish she wii're my girlfriend. I'm exausted wiith these feelings I have for her, but wiiat if she dosen't feel the same wiiay?
Wiiould you say wii with four i's like wiiii
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  • #9
but thats just wiierd
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  • #11
Wii wiill wiin this game wiithout typing a load of wiiimsical words about the wii
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  • #14
But the British dont say wiiked