Black OPS?

just got black ops there is so much 2 do, it has the feel of waw but so many perks, not to mention u can unlock everything buy points... and they let u bet aganst each outher, and u can use wii speak, Its all its supposed 2 b and then that lil bit more, love that the zombies r back!!
I like the game. I think they did a good job. The graphics look great, love the perks and kill streaks ... got my SR-71 strike a little while ago ... badass! I like that they brought back the dogs. Maps are big and some are very interesting to play. The nuke town is crazy with the mannequins as is the shooting range with the silhouette targets. I like that there a sniper positions at with high ground, and as far as the crossbow and RC XD ... I've been killed by each maybe twice. Not enough to worry about all that much. Best of all for me is they brought back Hardcore Free For All. By far my favorite mode to play. Wish they would have put it in MW as well like they did WAW. Overall great game!!!
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u unlock crossbow at lvl 32 i think i only got to lvl 29 so ill tell ya'll if its good...not too many ppl use it since it replaces you pistol i almost have hardline pro just need to share 1 more care package