Call of Duty 3 (Another problem)

i found towards the end of the game where there was alot of action scenes that the controls went abit haywire as the framerate dropped (only a little). Iv never had any problems in other games so i think its abit the CoD3's developers fault. Random guess: possibly there is no reserved space for the wii's cpu to handle control system.

unless anyone has beaten the game without any controller problems in the last levels?

Yes, if you sit close to the television it will mess up the sensor bar and stuff because your are supposed to be 5-10ft away at all times.

yeah i was sitting about 7 feet away while having problems with my character slowing down, i literaly sat back in my chair to remove that problem.
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i'll definately try the removing the nunchukaus idea. if that fails, i'm considering taking the game back.
You wouldn't have Christmas lights up or anything, would you? Then again, if you did....that should be constantly causing a problem with the pointing, not just sometimes....