Classic Remakes and How They Should Play


Aug 6, 2006
Hey guys, are there games you would like to see remakes of for the Wii? Or the Wii using the GC controller, or VC controller? Post em' here. Tell us how it should look and what the gameplay should be like. Or just game ideas! Post em here!

I for one would like a indie-developer to make a Whack-A-Mole game, you won't need any buttons! Just well...wack with the controller!

I would also love to see House of the Deads, it would work so perfect, not walk around style, arcade style, but maybe a walk around too.

Aracde Style: Screen moves for you, only Wiimote is used, reload by moving pointer off screen. (works perfectly, see?) B=Shoot Wiimote=Aim

New Style: Walk around with nunchuk attachment, you have to find keys, not much puzzle, mainly about shooting. B=Shoot A=Pick up/Open Door Nunchuk=Walk Wiimote=Aim Another Button: Reload

I wouldn't mind remakes of 1.2, and 3, possibly 4 using Arcade style, then a different type of it using New Style.

Silent Scope: Self Explainatory

Maybe they could make an Arcade Pack for once that is accutaly worth buying! (Yah I mentioned mostly arcade games, but that's just what I want to see)

PS: I know a similar thread has been posted before, but now with more understanding we can get better ideas of what we want.
time crisis or this real cool game i played in tenerife which was an arcade game where you pull down these googles from the ceiling and a big pillar is connected to it and you turn aroiund with the googles to see in all directions and on the handles there are triggers and you play as a walking tank.
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like a mech...? how would you play that on the Wii??
oh thats beachhead or something head. beach head i think its called. its sweet.

it would be sweet if the wiimote had a camera on it.
motherbrainrulez said:
time crisis or this real cool game i played in tenerife which was an arcade game where you pull down these googles from the ceiling and a big pillar is connected to it and you turn aroiund with the googles to see in all directions and on the handles there are triggers and you play as a walking tank.

Yeah time crisis would be cool, they're just too easy though. I completed the newest one, number 3, the first time I played it when it came out on £1 (single credit) and :O I played the exact same game that you played I'm guessing in the same arcade as well in Tenerife ^_^ it was on a day drip out from the hotel my girlfriend and I were staying in.
I'd Like A Starfox Remake Controlling The Arwing With The Wii-Mote!