COD Games?

On which system are Call Of Duty games better on the Ps3, 360, or Wii.:cool:

Since I only have the Wii, they are best for me on the wii. Really though, I would say xbox. xbox has the best online play of all 3 systems. the reason call of duty is better on xbox is because the wii version is not the full version (cant figure out why) and the graphics arent as good, although you will only notice if you have an HD 720 or 1080 tv. Since i have a regular tv at 480 res, I dont notice a graphics difference on any system.
Yes definitely 360. Online is spectacular, and you rarely get any lag at all. Or at least I don't. But then again, PS3 is equal in quality as far as I know, so whichever works for you my man. You might also want to know that PSN (Playstation Network) is free, while Xbox Live isn't.:/
I'm going to have to say 360 for the same reason skullkid stated. But we all know COD is the best on PC =)