Confirmed Wii Channels

nilsk123 said:
Hmmno but a it was an official nintendo press release, saying it will EVANTUALLY come, never said within weeks or even months
I think that was for DS demos though.
this is cofirmed but I'm not sure when

virgin are working on a channel for wii and ps3. You can down,oad music to your wii...if you want a source. g4tv have it
The online gaming channel is supposed to launch June 25th in the US. What it can do is a complete mystery. We'll have to wait and see. The new Mii popularity channel is due out April 29th.

Nintendo did sign some deals with Gamespy for online gaming. A Neo Geo rep confirmed VC can be online multiplayer. Nintendo said they have no interest in that this year.
I heard, most online games won't be till 08 (cept strikers charged...which europe gets first! *note i live in europe)
these channels sound awesome
and Europe is getting strikers charged first because America and japan(thats odd firefox thinks japan is spelled with a lowercase j) don't care about soccer
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sagema said:
The new Mii popularity channel is due out April 29th.

:shocked: thats in three days!

Do you have a source? I have never heard anyone talk about a release date for that channel...
I doubt they will have a online channel because the online stars and game play would have to be in built in to said game it doesn't make much sense to have a channel for that
music channel confirmed health channel not confirmed
The music channel came from a music demo from E3 for the in which you conducted, It makes absolutely no sense for them to make a game into a channel they are losing lots of money that way and the same goes for the Health channel it is confirmed to be a game. There is no point to make a different channel for each games
lol that would be dumb if they were games... nobody would buy them.
I heard that there would also be extra Mii creation tools available when you download the Mii Popularity Channel
mii popularity channel looks way cool but cmon wikipedia??? theres not much of a chance its true... i hope it is though
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brainiac said:

Link to prove popularity channels release date + existance. :)

lmfao wikipedia, and thats in japan anyway.

Sam_Harris said:
The music channel came from a music demo from E3 for the in which you conducted, It makes absolutely no sense for them to make a game into a channel they are losing lots of money that way and the same goes for the Health channel it is confirmed to be a game. There is no point to make a different channel for each games

1) When I said 'music channel' I was referring to a channel in which you could listen to music that is on your wii/sd card. I am aware that they are also making a game.
2) If you would go to the link that I provided than you would learn that they recently confirmed that the 'health pack' has been changed from game format to a channel
3) You make valid points about Nintendo losing money, but facts are facts.