Continuing lack of decent games?

Flagel said:
There are plenty of virtual console games to fill the time, ocarina of time for example, however I do share the sentiment that there is a wii dry spell now. Actually I wouldn't say dry, as this month in the uk we got excite truck, and in a few days the sonic game, but the shelves are hardly bursting at the game stores.
excite truck and sonic, both medicore games...

whyd it take so long for excite to get over to you guys? hype build up?
lol Sovieto, I think many would beg to differ. Anyway, a gaming drought after launch ALMOST ALWAYS happens. This isn't the first time. The DS's first year was almost total **** and yet it's now selling like crazy. Just be patient and find other games to occupy your (if you're a RTS fan there's Supreme Commander and, in the future, Command and Conquer 3 to entertain you.

Since this is your first console in quite some time, I suggest that you buy some Gamecube games. Try Super Smash Bros Melee, Metroid Prime, and/or Resident Evil 4 first and then go from there. GC games shouldn't be too expensive so you can buy a bunch for cheap.
You sound pretty desperate and I don't think you have to be that desperate to buy good games like Sonic or SSX. Then by the time you beat thoughs you can buy Blazing Angels, Medal of Honor, Mortal Kombat, Heatseekers. Yeah, they're no LoZTP but not much is.

I bought a gamecube only a couple years ago so I'm used to having an amazing selection of games available for cheap.
1) Wario Ware
2) Sonic
3) SSx Blur

And Prince of Persia, Moral combat, Paper Mario and Dragon Quest are coming out in the next 3 months. Then comes Summer were there will be Metriod, Mario Party, Mario Strikers, Pokemon, Battletanks, and Fire Emblem.

Also coming out this year are No more Hero's, Mario, Super Smash and Wii Music. Plus other games that may be better than excepted. The Wii has one good game a month while the PS3/360 only see good games every 3 months so be happy.
PS3 has one classic, Xbox 360 have a couple, Wii has 1. It takes time.

PS3 has a classic?!?! You mean it's not an ugly black dust-covered lump in the corner of my living room any more?
It has been a terribly slow start for the Wii's games catalogue, with the only 'big' game releases in Q1 being Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, Sonic and the Secret Rings and Excite Truck (if you're in the UK, as I am)/Wii Play (if you're in USA).

But by the end of 2007 the Wii is going to have a superb line-up, with the likes of Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Paper Mario, Pokemon Battle Revolution and Batallion Wars 2 available. That doesn't include unannounced games, or games such as Mario Kart Wii and Animal Crossing Wii, which we can expect in 2008.
Ancestor said:
I usually don't like to ***** but my old school gamers heart just burst in the flame on this misinformation. First of all if System Shock II is still in development what the hell I have been playing all these years with the name of System Shock II =). Allso game that you mean is officially Bioshock it has some game creators that where allso making System Shock II but due licensing issues they cannot make System Shock III so Bioshock is not System Shock though it's made to be legacy and similar mood of two exelent System Shock games.

My bad, I meant III.