Days Passed Away RP preview and sign up thread

... Mindless Scottish banter, ya say?


Think i'll go die from the sheer Scottish that I will never reach!
haha i read it over like 36 hours...took some breaks. But yeah so far everything looks awesome, I'm thinking about making a will smith/I am legend-inspired character. But i'll do some thinking, hopefully have one up by the weekend
I don't think this is the best one that I made but here you go
my Pulse guy

Name: Alexander Zimmermann

Alias: Ace

Age: 27

Alliance: Pulse

Appearance: White male with blonde hair and very blue eyes behind his mirrored aviators. He wears a brown leather jacket and brown boots. He is shorter than the average person and talks in a Scottish accent.

Weapon of choice: His Pulse Raptor (currently out of commission due to the EMPs) which he christened Überkanonen and two Colt Diamondback revolvers. He has very good reflexes and eyes making him accurate and fast. He also pilots the one of the EMP resistant helicopters.

Personality: Strong willed and determined. Brilliant in the air. Reckless on the ground. And he hates piloting helicopters. He is also a glory hog.

Biography: He lived in Scotland with his mother and his German father. Growing up he loved to hear the stories of the Red Baron. His interest in these stories came from his great-grandfather who flew beside the Red Baron. From there on he wanted to be an Ace fighter pilot. As a teenager he studied the tactics of aerial combat, mostly Boelcke's Dicta. He then took flying lessons when he was old enough. His first time flying in a cockpit was the greatest moment in his life. To be soaring through the sky with the world at your below you was a stunning feeling. There he made up his mind to spend the rest of his life in aviation. He moved to the US for collage. There he learned about aviation and communications. He became a US citizen and joined the Air Force. All the positions for being a fighter pilot were taken so he went into communications. On his first training flight the pilot had a heart attack. Luckily Zimmermann got to the cockpit and landed the plane better and faster than the pilot ever could. The pilot was saved and Zimmermann was given the chance to be a bomber. Fortunately, his commanding officer thought his skills should be tested as a fighter pilot. Zimmermann quickly took the offer. As a fighter pilot he was able to outperform all of the fighter pilots of the entire Air Force. He was instantly put into the special forces. This job took him out of the front lines and put him behind it, for gathering intelligences. He hated that job. There was no action, no fighting, and certainly no glory. All his missions were top secret and classified. In 2009 he was approached by Pulse. They claimed to be a classified branch of both the National Guard and the Coast Guard. Just when Zimmermann was about to turn down the offer, Pulse sweetened the deal. Pulse was test running some of their own specially modified and improved versions of aircraft. Zimmermann was still hesitant. Pulse offered him seven days with full pay. If he was not satisfied he could go back to reconnaissance. Zimmermann thought it over and agreed. The first plane they showed him was the Pulse Raptor. Zimmermann sighed. He already piloted a raptor before. Pulse assured him this was not any old Raptor. As his first job they made him test the capabilities of the Pulse Raptor. As he was being briefed about the planes supposed limits, his eyes widened. When it was time for him to fly it he was very enthusiastic. Take off was the same. It was not until he traveled 123,000 feet above the ground was he amazed. It was the same amazement he had when he was young. The whole planet below him. Zimmermann stayed with Pulse.

Coming Soon...

Prologue for Osmer is nearing completion
I don't think this is the best one that I made but here you go
my Pulse guy

Name: Alexander Zimmermann

Alias: Ace

Age: 27

Alliance: Pulse

Appearance: White male with blonde hair and very blue eyes behind his mirrored aviators. He wears a brown leather jacket and brown boots. He is shorter than the average person and talks in a Scottish accent.

Weapon of choice: His Pulse Raptor (currently out of commission due to the EMPs) which he christened Überkanonen and two Colt Diamondback revolvers. He has very good reflexes and eyes making him accurate and fast. He also pilots the one of the EMP resistant helicopters.

Personality: Strong willed and determined. Brilliant in the air. Reckless on the ground. And he hates piloting helicopters. He is also a glory hog.

Biography: He lived in Scotland

Accepted! Nuff said! But the question you know the banter... [STRIKE]Tell us what a munter is.[/STRIKE]

I am just going to stand back and watch