de Blob bounces onto Wii

Well from the trailer it looks IDENTICAL to the PC version. The PC version is a free download and it is tons of fun, just search for "de blob" on google. If it is the same game, why would you buy it for the Wii? My guess is it will probably have more than the one level in the PC version (which was only meant to be a demo), but I also guess that it will be a bargain price game, $19.99 or $29.99.
I played de Blob on my pc (the demo level by the dutch students) and it is freaking addictive, the level would literally take hours to complete fully and it never seems to get boring or is that just me :S
Wiisdom-Warrior said:
Who came up with the name? Probably the same guy who came up with 'wii'
Hey, the person who came up with "Wii" is making alot more money than you. :mad5:
Looks fun imho.
And indeed Bou is right about the name. It just means "The Blob" in dutch which seems a pretty accurate name to me :)