Finally finished 3rd(zora) temple


WiiChat Member
Dec 17, 2006
0 took about 2~3 hours.

Monkey temple was fun.

Goron temple was fun.

and zora temple was... a little bit frustrating but it has very smart level design.

I have to say zora temple was the hardest out of 3(just to figure out how the water system works LOL)

I am looking at the worldmap and it seems i've been every place in this game world. I wonder if the game is about to be over.

I am going to find THE MASTER SWORD(just like any other zelda series).

yep~ i m very excited. :D

such a great game...only if i had it for wii with component cable 480p wide screen, it could been twice better.
JoonKimDDS said:
I am looking at the worldmap and it seems i've been every place in this game world. I wonder if the game is about to be over.
Your eyes deceive you. Look a little more closely at the upper right hand portion of the map. You have a long journey ahead of you young grasshopper :)