Gamecube controllers


WiiChat Member
Dec 30, 2006
I tried doing a search for it. Is there any reason Nintendo hates Gamecube controllers? I can understand from a business standpoint the logic behind forcing people into buying a new controller to play the better games, but this isn't Sony, its Nintendo, I want to believe they are better than that. Was there a reason given for it? Or is there some way to map the controls that I can't find? I'm speaking specifically about SMW and the Donkey Kong Countries.
There not forcein you to buy the classic controller
As far as I know there is no way of customisin the controlls
But I just use a PS2 pad on my wii anyway
Ive had no probs
It feels better for snes/n64 games due to layout of the buttons
my only gripe (mmmmm grapes) is the dpad
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That actually solidifies my arguement. I could probably just rewire one of my gamecube controllers with one of my snes ones, but I shouldn't have to. The gamecube controller fits in the slot, it works for the game, best I can tell it was just intentionally set up to make playing certain games with it impossible.
I hardly believe they hate the gamecube controller, considering you're able to use them on most classic games on the VC. Not to mention some of the new Wii games. If they're still allowing that capability, they could'nt hate the controller that bad.

Not that i'm all for the controller though, I feel more comfortable using the classic controller. But at least they give you that choice.