how can i not suck so bad at cod?


WiiChat Member
Feb 16, 2009
i average about 12-14 kills per game but i die almost as much or more. i always die and its getting really annoying. i aim at a guy and i get nothing. i started waving the wiimote around and that works a bit. i see other people laying down or jumping or doing a zig zag and that seems to work for them. give me some tips on how not to die.
If it is useful, I'm worse than you :p I also feel the same way but don't play it that much so I'm not too disappointed. I guess it's about practice like in most things. And that's what I'm lacking, though I've never been the best at shooters.
You have to aim in front of the person you are shooting at. Aim where they are about to walk. Also moving from side to side while moving only makes it harder for the opponent to hit you. I hope this helped:)
I average 20-36 kills and 2-20 deaths a game :D

You have to aim in front of the person you are shooting at if they're running. Aim where they are about to walk. Also moving from side to side while moving only makes it harder for the opponent to hit you. I hope this helped:)

Thats pretty much what I do. Place Bouncing Betties in hard-to-see/strategic places. Peep around corners, this may set off a near by betty. Walk slowly in corridors & keep your eyes peeled, there might be a betty...shoot it, if you see a friend shooting the floor...wait, he might be disarming a betty. If you're in close combat...knife 'em (but don't over use it...cuz I hate it). Lastly, don't shoot the away, knife them just as they're going to jump, and hide in corners...they can't get you :smilewinkgrin:

Also, don't charge in unless you're good/accurate me.

P.S. nice matches together Kubo :thumbsup:
practice Just Practice :) ryu aren't u a special Nerd !:) Go out its called fresh air!
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I average 20-36 kills and 2-20 deaths a game :D

Thats pretty much what I do. Place Bouncing Betties in hard-to-see/strategic places. Peep around corners, this may set off a near by betty. Walk slowly in corridors & keep your eyes peeled, there might be a betty...shoot it, if you see a friend shooting the floor...wait, he might be disarming a betty. If you're in close combat...knife 'em (but don't over use it...cuz I hate it). Lastly, don't shoot the away, knife them just as they're going to jump, and hide in corners...they can't get you :smilewinkgrin:

Also, don't charge in unless you're good/accurate me.

P.S. nice matches together Kubo :thumbsup:
i tried all that stuff and i still die. :crazy:
Not sure if everything that I do on the 360 version applies, but laying down to reload behind barrels/crates/etc. helps a lot, as well as not reloading as you are walking around a corner. This is all from experience, btw. Bouncing Bettys and camouflage can be your best friends if you learn to use them. Be sure if you're going to be holding down a position you cover your rear with bouncers, otherwise you're just going to get run up on or shot from behind. Also when the person you are shooting at is moving you need to lead them a bit, just like in real life. Also to reiterate what has already been said, strafing left to right while shooting makes it hard for them to hit you, and if you get some practice in you can be really quite effective at it.
I agree with these tips, especially about getting somewhere that doesn't leave you open from behind, i.e. up against a wall, in a corner, in some shrubs, etcetera. I don't get a chance to play that often, and I do find that sometimes I can be really good one day, and suck the next...
Keep in mind the more you kill,and you will get killed a lot in the beginning, the more rank you get, the more goodies and perk you get to have an advantage. Example: double taps, bi-pods for more accuracy, better stronger weapons. At first I was mad saying, I hit him 6 times and he didn't die but he hits me twice and I die!!! This sucks. It gets more fun the more you tune in your favorite weapons for fast kills.
my average is 19 to 30 kills & 9 or lower deaths i enter a room with a few doors like to & place betties there & snipe & use the mp40 with apeture site & go in the middle of everywere & pretend to be a noob then while they try to shoot u sprint torwards them while shooting always works for me
I like to play with the turn speed on insane and the bounding box on small.
Also check you connection, press 2 in game. If your connection is red and everyone else is green, you will probably get a wiping. Every one will be about two meters past where you can physically see them. Or they have already seen and shot you, (LAG).
Find a weapon that works for you and build it up.
I find playing Harcore team death match, helps to compensate for the lag experienced whe online (causing you to need to shoot a couple inches infront of where the enemy actually is). In hardcore you only need usually 1 or 2 hits and they're dead, which really helps to level the playing field when it comes to lag and wussies who use Juggernaut. Although you do sacrafice your HUD unless a recon is called, and don't have any idea how much ammo you have ... i still find hardcore advantages outweigh its disadvantages. Give it a shot and see how you do.
Im not saying your wrong iggy, but I completely disagree. If he is only getting 12-14 kills a game on regular, in hardcore he will probably get less because he will get killed much faster. I would say stick with team deathmatch for now and find a weapon you like. For me its mp40 with stopping power and second chance. Btw in hardcore teamdeathmatch almost everyone has second chance on.
I will agree that a lot of people use second chance in Hardcore, but that's why people need to follow their kills to the ground and not just expect them to die in one shot, though when that happens it sure is nice. To be honest, I am worse at regular or "core" Team Deathmatch than I am at Hardcore, it really just takes playing time to get used to either or and find which one you like better. I very much dislike "core" because of how many bullets it takes to kill someone unless you use stopping power, which I'd rather use other perks in that slot, but that's me.