I was almost going to get one...

Lord Haku said:
I hate X box :mad: buy the Wii and if you can't buy the Wii then the ps3 because the ps3 beats 360 hands down

you're an idiot. PS3 is the flagship product for a dying company...It's not in production yet, and no one has seen a working PS3.

Kaz Hirai has brought some clarification to the Playstation 3 manufacturing debacle. As it is, Kaz Hirai told Gamespot that they have not yet started manufacturing the Playstation 3 yet. It appears that Sony is still fine tuning their final plans ahead of their launch date later this year.


"We haven't started manufacturing [the PS3] yet. Some of our ops guys were actually just in China, and also in Japan just reviewing the [production] lines and everything else. But they are, again, preparing as we speak to get the manufacturing going. We've not announced and we haven't set really a specific date to say, 'As of this day we're going to start manufacturing.'"


"Since we're going with three territories, we haven't really come up with an allocation just yet," he said. "But even if you do the simple math you're talking about less than 700,000 units per territory, per major territory between launch and the end of the year. So even if there was some fluctuation--you give Japan more, you give the US more, what have you--you're going to end up with some shortages."

They cannot pull off over 2 million units in 3 months.
Ronan said:
no, no you dont get my point. Im moaning about the TAX on things over here, not about the original price of the wii, id gladly buy a wii from the us if there was no region formats.

And i know the xbox 360 was expensive, im just saying im not going to dish out much more than i should just because of my region.
fack u, u paid tax on your xbox 360. and there will probably be tax on the wii aswell. ur being a hipocrit.
Ronan said:
no, no you dont get my point. Im moaning about the TAX on things over here, not about the original price of the wii, id gladly buy a wii from the us if there was no region formats.

And i know the xbox 360 was expensive, im just saying im not going to dish out much more than i should just because of my region.
What is this shizz :wtf::scared: one second ur moanin about the Tax of the Wii... next your moanin bout Tax in general... methinks u dont have a clue what ur on about :lol:
sasuke747 said:
the xbox 360 in Cornwall(UK) costs £299 and the Wii should be around £150-200
maybe and you complain on the wii? your just really silly then
You live in Cornwall? Don't suppose you go to Truro do you?

@ Lord Haku and O D S T
I don't think name calling and Fanboy fights (especially from other companies other than Nintendo - Since we're on a Nintendo site) is very constructive. Whilst I dislike both Microsoft and Sony, I do not try to bait people into arguements. *points toward iOn's rules*

As for the pricing of the Wii, I think once again we'll have to wait til September 14th to see if the pricing is £150-170, and not before. Heck, I'll even complain a little myself (though I will still get one). But name calling is unneccessary. If Ronan doesn't want to get a Wii, he doesn't have to, and it'll be his own loss if he doesn't.

Oh, and to Ronan, The UK government will not tax 50% on the Wii. If the predictions of the equivolent to £120-130 is correct for the US, it'll only be 25-40% tax (beyond what the US people will pay in tax).
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in touch with the wii said:
look ronan the wii will be around £180 much less than the ps3 and the xbox 360 ps3 is gonna be £425 now thats wrong
OMG, are u serious that a mother ****in $800 no way im getting that BS for that price. :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: