I will trade my WII and games plus?? for Ps3

vagrant said:
That's only like 5+ years old.

True, I've seen it on posters, T-shirts, and all sorts of things.

I swear I saw the local hot topic goth trailer trash walking around town with a shirt on that said that.....

XbandaidX said:
Still works today

It has never worked, and judging by your login name, you would prolly be walking with already mentioned goth trailer trash.
Give it time...It is different, but you'll get used to it. Wait about a week and if you still aren't a huge fan, do what you want. It's not my money.
Windmillritual said:
True, I've seen it on posters, T-shirts, and all sorts of things.

I swear I saw the local hot topic goth trailer trash walking around town with a shirt on that said that.....

It has never worked, and judging by your login name, you would prolly be walking with already mentioned goth trailer trash.

This post delivers. hot topic lmao. I wanna get me some black baggy jeans with 30 chains on them!