If you could choose ONE game for the VC what would it be?

I remember yoshis island, playing it when i was about 6-7... That theme tune got really stuck in my head...

Also, what is pilotwings (call me stupid) i was, as already mentioned, young back in those days and ive heard it mentioned a lot in NGC (now Ngamer magazine) . Whst is that?
spinecraft said:
to be honest:

Picture realated

(dont ask it was posted on the fourchan a long time ago)
I got burger time for the Intelivison (it impossanle to play with those pads)

The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Couldn't finish the game in my PC and want to do it on the wii)

Donkey Kong 64 (Never played because of the expansion pack, well at least I know is a good game)
yeah, i didnt get donkey kong, and didnt realise how good it was. But now that people on here want it so bad, im looking forwrd to it, despite me not knowing hardly anything about it.