IGN SMG Review - 9.7!!

JAKE196 said:
no such thing as a perfect game IMO.
You've obviously never played The Legend of Zelda series.
In the ratings at the end, ign says "not to mention WiiConnect24 support" but doesn't mention this detail anywhere in the article. Does anyone know how this will use WiiConnect24?
there is no such thing as a perfect game, as stated before, so 9.9 is the perfect score pretty much (unless ign looks past that and just make a 10 mean perfect as video games can get).
the highest score ive seen on ign is Halo i believe (couldve been 2) with a 9.8, anyone else know of any 9.8+ on ign?
I the question is now, Is this the greatest game of all time just like zapasant said??